
Anomalously modified Thompson submachine guns captured by embedded agent.
Registered Phenomena Code: 017
Object Class: Beta-White
Hazard Types: Transmutation Hazard, Tychokinetic Hazard
Containment Protocols: Instances of RPC-017 are to be stored at Site-016. All collected instances of RPC-017 are stored in 1 m3 secure containment units when not in use or transport. During transport, instances are to be kept in munitions cans and attached to the frame of the vehicle(s) used. All instances, excluding RPC-017-5, and -10, are available for delivery to other Authority facilities for the purpose of experimentation and/or analysis.
A Security Clearance Level of 3 or higher is needed to requisition instances of RPC-017. Small samples of variants RPC-017-1, RPC-017-4, and RPC-017-8 are also kept in armory vaults at RPC installations at the request of ranking Security staff, for use during emergencies — these instances may be used only if permitted by the Site Director.
Orders via the customer service line are made every 12 months by the current provisions manager (currently Researcher Mann). Official requisition forms are collected at the end of March and should be sent 3-5 business days in advance.
Description: RPC-017 is the designation for a collection of firearm lubricants that give any firearm they are applied to anomalous properties. These effects range from physical changes in the firearm a given sample is applied to, to behavioral changes in the user who applies it. Bottles containing RPC-017 instances are marked with manufacturer's slogans that hint as to what a given sample's effect(s) are, though these slogans are vague and are often understood only in retrospect.
In addition to the slogan, "Harrison Munitions and General Supply CO",1 a price, and a telephone number are also found on a sample's label. All calls placed to this company are relayed to a customer support hotline. No records or calling history of the said company have been found.
Instances of RPC-017 are known to spontaneously appear in gun shops, pawnshops, gun shows, military surplus stores, military bases, police stations, armories, hunting outfitter stores, and flea markets. Instances of RPC-017 may be acquired via its customer service line, however, the serial number of a given sample is required in order to purchase an additional supply.2 Said bottles will anomalously arrive in packages to the caller's location. This will only occur if the caller is situated within an area lacking surveillance and leaves appropriate payment within a manila envelope. If either condition is not met, the transaction is unsuccessful.
Chemical analysis has found no significant differences between RPC-017 and other consumer firearm oils.
Discovery: RPC-017 was discovered in 1945 by Authority agents embedded in the US military. The anomaly was found in a weapons crate containing Thompson submachine guns (#9403TR). Authority attention was raised when the unit receiving the crate reported inexplicable success in the battle of Iwo Jima, halting a counterattack that much larger units had failed to stop and seizing a series of heavily defended tunnels. RPC-017 was recovered from the unit commander by the embedded agent after amnestics were administered to those involved. Other instances have been discovered in increasing rates since the initial discovery. Recovered documents indicate that RPC-017-1 had a significant impact on the battle.
Experiment Logs:
Incident Logs:
Interview Logs:
Addendum 017.1:
As of 2005, all instances of RPC-017 now come with an additional marketing slogan reading “Also Try Our New Line Of Synthetic Automobile Oils!”. The implications regarding this slogan have lead to two searches and one attempt at procurement via purchasing, all of which were unsuccessful.