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Panoramic view of RPC-011's location


Registered Phenomena Code: 011

Object Class: Alpha-White

Hazard Types: Immeasurable Hazard, Memory Alteration Hazard

Containment Protocols: The creation of an Authority controlled tourist attraction, operating under the name "Clanyard Bay Phantom Piper Cave", has been deemed necessary as part of RPC-011's ongoing containment protocols due to its presence in local folklore and mythology.

Efforts to discourage disruptive forces such as tourists, conspiracy hunters, and GOIs, are described in the induction package, page four, Distraction Protocols, and include examples such as random placement of industry standard containment doors, staff who refuse to answer (or act suspiciously when asked) certain questions, and warnings to visiting members of the public not to enter specific caverns or touch certain objects.

The actual location of RPC-011 is to be registered and secured under Cover Protocol Zeta-3: Asbestos Dump, with Authority presence under the guise of a clean-up style operation.
The entrance to RPC-011 should be sealed when not in use for testing and regular checks are to be made on RPC-011's perimeter. Lethal force is authorized to prevent entry if necessary. However all Armed personnel should not present themselves as armed in order to deter suspicion1.
Any instances of RPC-011-1 are to be documented by staff on site, before being transferred to Site-███ for further study.

Description: RPC-011 is a cave network in the Inchnadamph region of Northern Scotland. It has a single entrance which leads into two large interior chambers, one of which features a small pool, and around 5.1km of narrow passageways ending approximately 600m underground.

Anomalous properties are only observed when a person, or persons, enters RPC-011 and states clearly in the Scottish Gaelic language "Tha mi a’ miannachadh"2 followed by any other word or phrase in any language. Persons affected by RPC-011 will become easily confused and disorientated, quickly losing sight of anyone else, and appearing to vanish from the perspective of any observers. The subject will then find themselves in a tunnel section of RPC-011, not accessible through normal means, with poor visibility. This tunnel is approximately 1.3m wide and is suspected to be infinite in length. RPC-011's secondary effect will take place while the subject is within this chamber.

A subject can return to the entrance of RPC-011 by turning around and walking three paces. Testing has shown this to occur regardless of how far into RPC-011 the subject has progressed.

At some point, during the subject's duration within this tunnel section, the affected subject will acquire an object, known as RPC-011-1. Testing has shown this can occur in a range of different ways including finding an RPC-011-1 instance in a pocket or attached to an item of clothing, or to find it within RPC-011 positioned in such a way that subject would walk into it. In several cases testing subjects have emerged from RPC-011 carrying an RPC-011-1 instance in their hands but, when questioned, were unable to remember picking it up.

A list of RPC-011-1 instances are detailed below:

Document 0011-1: A partial list of RPC-011-1 instances to date.

All subjects were equipped with a two-way radio headset and a flashlight. On entering none knew of RPC-011’s anomalous properties

Designation Subject Statement Instance Description
0011-1-1 CSD-9821 Was unaware of RPC-011 Subject was chosen as a control. Subject wandered around RPC-011's interior for several hours. After nothing happened subject was ordered to return.
0011-1-2 CSD-1211 A good meal Subject found a flyer for a local restaurant in their pocket after exiting RPC-011.
0011-1-3 CSD-9972 A job Subject exited RPC-011 holding a pay cheque from The Authority. Further investigation revealed subject had been hired several weeks prior as a cleaner for Site-███ but an administrative glitch had accidentally registered them as CSD.
0011-1-4 CSD-2718 A good drink Subject exited RPC-011 drenched in water.
0011-1-5 CSD-2341 To leave RPC-011 Subject immediately re-appeared at the exit of RPC-011.
0011-1-6 CSD-2213 see [my] daughter again Subject found a photo of his daughter in their back pocket upon exiting RPC-011. It should be noted subject CSD-2213 does not have any children.
0011-1-7 CSD-4522 Unlimited Wishes Subject began screaming over the supplied headset that they were unable to leave RPC-011. Subject became increasingly anxious and began running in both directions screaming the trigger phrase with additional statements until subject became blocked in by numerous objects which had materialized around them. Subject was advised to repeat trigger phrase and ask to leave RPC-011. Subject did so but claimed to be now under attack, subject was asked to clarify, subject began to scream and dropped headset. The distant sounds of someone running and the clatter of various objects were heard for several minutes until communication ceased.
0011-1-8 CSD-3678 The ability to fly Subject was ejected from the exit of RPC-011 at a velocity of approximately 340m/s. After visually tracking subject for several minutes MST Gamma-6 "Yer Da does Avon" were deployed to retrieve remains of CSD-3678. Subject was found just outside the Norwegian city of Stavanger approximately 643km away.
0011-1-9 CSD-0961 A hot chick Subject exited RPC-011 holding a box of spicy chicken wings which were promptly █████ by subject and assisting personnel.
0011-1-10 CSD-8121 Unlimited wealth Subject became crushed under what is presumed to be an unlimited amount of GBP coins of varying values.
0011-1-11 CSD-2111 A priceless object Subject was instructed to ask for a "Priceless Object" but instead asked for a "RPC master keycard and a gun". Subject charged from the exit of RPC-011 and attempted to attack several researchers with what appeared to be a Nerf Gun. The subject was terminated by on-site security. A later search revealed subject to have a credit "Master Card" in his back pocket.
0011-1-12 Dr Amos Information on your creation, workings and intent Subject returned with a large book which on closer inspection was revealed to be a biography on the life of Dr Amos that included a highly detailed description of his conception, birth and the numerous revenge schemes he harboured against his old Headmaster, his second wife, his third wife, his current wife and ██████ ████████ █ ████-██. Dr. Amos described the book as a "Damn good read."

Addendum: Discovery Logs

RPC-011 was discovered during a routine investigation of local myths and legends. A man in Edinburgh who ran a Poltergeist & Conspiracy theory blog claimed to have found the "real wishing cave" claiming he had wished for better hair and promptly revealing his pre-maturing baldness had been cured. Agents became curious and decided to follow the subject as he promised to livestream the location of the cave and his second wish. Agents were able to isolate the subject's phone and prevent broadcast. Containment team arrived at RPC-011 20 minutes later found no sign of subject but reported a statue of likeness identical to subject with the words "to be a stronger, more stable man" embedded onto the plinth.

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