

Badge-One.png#1 Article



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Still image of RPC-003-01 instances in battle.


Registered Phenomena Code: 003

Object Class: Alpha-Orange

Hazard Types: Animated Hazard, Grouped Hazard, Ballistic Hazard.

Containment Protocols: RPC-003 is to be stored in Locker 38 when not in use. All personnel with clearance of Level 1 and above may spectate the biweekly "wargames" conducted by Dr. Alex Fisher. (Note: betting is strictly prohibited). Use of RPC-003 is only authorized in blast hardened locations (See Incident 003-3).

Description: RPC-003 is a large grey bin containing approximately 1000 plastic soldier figurines along with dozens of different structures and vehicles divided into 4 separate armies bearing different uniforms; these being the Wehrmacht, United States Army, Imperial Japanese Army, and the Red Army of the Soviet Union. All four uniforms are identical to those issued during WWII. New figurines identical to those removed will regenerate at an average speed of 5 figurines per minute. Upon removal from the bin, the figurines, hereafter referred to as RPC-003-01, will immediately become sapient and follow the orders given by the one who removed them. If no orders are given by the subject then RPC-003-01 will act on their own initiative, establishing a chain of command.

RPC-003-01's first action after forming a chain of command is to establish a Headquarters. While able to make use of the structures provided by RPC-003, they are perfectly capable of constructing their own structures. An HQ typically includes an officer's building, a barracks, a field hospital, a vehicle depot, an air pad/runway, and a central flagpole.

After the completion of the HQ, RPC-003-01 will begin construction of vehicles suitable for exploration. Upon completion, RPC-003-01 will begin deploying exploration teams to various strategically sound locations and establishing outposts. This behavior will remain largely unchanged until they encounter another "country."

Upon encountering what are considered "foreign powers," RPC-003-01 instances have shown the ability to communicate and perform complicated political activities such as defining borders, negotiations, espionage, and organization of joint exercises. If communications break down, instances of RPC-003-01 will begin preparing for war. If not prevented, a declaration of war will inevitably occur.

Like with their ability to perform politics, RPC-003-01 has shown to be capable of highly complex tactics. During combat, it is revealed that instances of RPC-003-01 fire live ammunition instead of plastic, even ammo fired by infantry can prove fatal to humans. RPC-003-01's wars are brutal and surrender is uncommon; the only time such an event would occur is when their HQ flag is captured, at which point, instances of RPC-003-01 will unanimously surrender. Upon a declaration of war, RPC-003-01 instances will immediately launch an R&D program in an attempt to increase their fighting force. This has resulted in the creation of both historically accurate and inaccurate creations. Weaponry created by RPC-003-01 instances become increasingly advanced the longer they remain active: modern firearms, aircraft carriers, power armor, ospreys, Apaches, and in one instance, even laser-based weaponry have been seen. (For a full list of all documented tech see File 003-011)

Testing is currently underway to gauge RPC-003s use in the field. RPC-003-01s ability to follow orders laid out by the person who removed them presents a unique opportunity. RPC-003-01 entities are completely loyal yet capable of making complex independent decisions, making them ideal for deployment. Testing has already been conducted on RPC-003-01s response to thaumaturgic interaction. (Please see File-003-T-001 for more information.)

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