Registered Phenomena Code: 255
Object Class: Alpha-Yellow Beta-Yellow
Hazards: Geological Hazard, Transmutable Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Extreme Temperatures, Bio-Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-255 is to be contained in a 2 meter high, 3 meter wide, and 4 meter wide room with wooden walls, flooring, and a wooden ceiling. The floor is to be covered with sand and rocks with a hole for water, as typical for a Eublepharis macularius habitat. Once a week, a chute will be opened in the ceiling of RPC-255's containment to disperse various nontoxic insects into RPC-255's containment chamber, such as beetle larvae. All personnel who plan to work with RPC-255 must either be chemically castrated or receive a vasectomy.
Staff who plan to stay in RPC-255's containment chamber for longer than one hour should wear a specially-designed protective suit made out of specially-bred wood. Due to reported incidents of abdominal pain while in the entity's containment chamber, personnel are ordered to bring Analgesic medication while working with RPC-255 for long periods of time. If any uncatalogued organisms are discovered in RPC-255's containment, they are to be reported to the site-046 supervisor.
MST Golf-14 "Jatauyu's Vultures" is to be deployed in Afghanistan to neutralize all land affected by RPC-255-1 under the guise of an Afghanistan government weapon testing program. All civilians must remain at least thirty meters from land affected by RPC-255-1.
Description: RPC-255 is an entity that physically resembles a common leopard gecko. RPC-255 has a constant desert-like effect (hereby referred to as RPC-255-1) within a three meter radius of the anomaly that converts all solid materials with non-biological origins into various types of sand. RPC-255-1 anomalously generates heat, causing it to remain at temperatures consistent with northern Afghanistan.
RPC-255-1 converts non-organic materials to sand in direct proportion to the object's distance away from RPC-255. Objects on the edges of RPC-255-1 take weeks to transmute, while objects touching RPC-255 directly immediately turn into sand. For this reason, genetic testing is not possible.
RPC-255-1 has a second anomalous effect that activates when an organism that is not genetically adapted for desert regions enters its area of effect. When said organism enters the area, their reproductive organs will mutate via unknown means. This reportedly causes extreme pain, and the organism will produce offspring that is genetically designed to survive in the desert.
Discovery: RPC-255 was discovered on 2/19/10 on a mission in Afghanistan to combat a local GoI selling anomalous artifacts. After RPC-255-1 destroyed large amounts of Authority equipment, it was eventually placed in a large wooden box and transported to Site-046 via a cargo helicopter.
Incident Log 4/02/11: On 4/02/11, Dr. C██████'s wife conceived a child. Ultrasound scans reveal [REDACTED] and that the child is maturing in an increasing rapid manner compared to normal humans. The child is to be has been delivered on 11/3/11, and is to be placed under constant surveillance.
Incident Log 11/3/11: Mrs. C██████'s child, hereto referred as RPC-255-2, was successfully delivered. Subject appears to be male. RPC-255-2 has sand-colored skin, long fingernails, and pupils approximately 150% larger than a normal infant. RPC-255-2 possesses a forked tongue, and x-rays reveal that all of RPC-255-2's teeth are canid, similar to that of a carnivore. RPC-255-2 will be monitored by Authority staff as previously established.
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