The Protectorate


» Protectorate - Brief Overview «

The Protectorate is the humanitarian subdivision of Protection, specializing in the rescue of people, paramedic services and temporary flash neutralization of most anomalies. All Authority command regions are required to have at least one site equipped with Protectorate Staff which can reach any disaster zone within the region in one hour; but regional command may deem to fund more Protectorate installations. Protectorate use is only to be authorized by personnel with Site Director clearance or above.


Induction of new Protectorate Rangers, overseen by GD-NORTH (pictured middle).

Description: Protectorate are the first responders within any Authority region, trained to be ready within a minute of getting a call. They respond to incidents that occur outside of sites, most commonly within the public eye and mostly dealing with containment breaches, but occasionally clean up anomalous terror attacks carried out by GoIs. Protectorate Rangers are generally restricted to their deployed region, and will not be transferred or asked to step outside this area barring exceptional circumstances.

Protectorate deals in all manner of rescue, neutralization, and medical support, which is provided throughout a region from their base of operation within a site, or in any OL-SITE that has been set up in the event of any catastrophe. Both the rescue and support units have a fleet of helicopters, or in some cases, carrier planes, in order to dispatch quickly into the thick of any disaster. The average Ranger carries only a handgun of their choosing on them, and are otherwise unarmed.

Protectorate utilizes a wide range of technology for each of their subdivisions, but most commonly cooperatives with the Biomechanical Module, which provides most of the prosthetics, surgery equipment, and exosuits used by protectorate rangers in the field and in their mobile clinics.

Protectorate is the main source of recruits for the Authority Induction Program (AIP). After any Protectorate Ranger encounters any civilian who has been exposed to anomalies or “seen past the veil”, the Ranger has the discretion (if they believe the individual would make for a worthwhile asset) to offer them employment within the Authority. A particularly skilled recruit may have their death faked at an anomalous disaster so he may have a new identity constructed to better serve the Authority and protect himself from being targeted by enemy operatives.

After an identity, history, and criminal check from administration, these recruits are distributed by order of merit throughout the Authority to where their skill set would be best utilized. It is for this reason that Protectorate Rangers are often encouraged to recruit all but the most unskilled of people during anomalous disasters, as even paper pushers, carpenters, and janitors have their place within the Authority.

Further documentation for the training, equipment, and standards for these recruits are within each of their induction programs, with primary recruit requests coming from the Authority Security Force, Engineering Component, and Anomaly Experimentation Team. For the purposes of the Protectorate, it is rare to get a recruit for protectorate itself, as extensive EMT, Paramedic, or Firefighting experience is required in order to qualify for Protectorate recruitment. Often, these recruits are acquired by saving first responders who are harmed by secondary blasts when they themselves go to try and help civilians.

Protectorate rangers are allocated to subdivisions, of which they are given different tasks based upon assignment to either:


  • RE-50: Personnel Rescue
  • RE-100: VIP Rescue
  • RE-150: Firezone Rescue
  • RE-200: Anomaly Rescue

or Support:

  • FI-50: Firefighter Squad
  • DI-100: Dispatch
  • TT-100: Trauma Team
  • NT-100: Neutralization Team

Protectorate Rangers arriving at Site-014 approximately one hour after blast.

In the rare opportunity that a recruit has protectorate potential, they will be put either into RE-50 or FI-50 for training under a more experienced ranger from RE, TT, OR NT 100. Following a performance review period of a year, the recruit will then be disseminated into further work more specialized for their skillset in the upper echelon groups (100-200) or be retained at their current position if the trainer deems this is a good location for them. If a recruit fails this period, or their work is found dissatisfactory, they may be transferred to a contractor job in Containment, or if the trainer believes them to be an active detriment, an amnestics RE-100 requisition form can be filed for the immediate amnesticizing and reintegrating of the civilian to everyday life.

A level three clearance form is required for any promotions to RE (150-200).

Protectorate Rangers that have shown courageous or commendable actions in the line of duty may be offered a position within the Joint Chiefs of Protectorate (JCOP). Junior chiefs will typically be under the supervision of the site chief, and will undergo further leadership, personnel recruitment, and skill development training. A ranger can rise through the ranks of chief from Junior, Sergeant, Senior, Master, and Head. Head chiefs have domain over entire regions and coordinate the efforts of Protectorate staff within it. The appointment from a head chief requires the clearance of both GD-CMDR and the global director of the region he is being appointed to.


Two Rangers in FOB-2-AS wearing ODAv7

Protectorate Ranger outposts typically contain a pair of four RE- groups from each number denomination, making up both a day and a night shift of 120 personnel. Each pair is provided with a team from all support subdivisions, making up 60 support staff per outpost.

All Protectorate rangers are expected to be semi-autonomous in their day to day lives, but are given a set of tasks which they must accomplish each day in addition to their emergency response duties. Chain of command is to be respected, but not to be treated as the be all end of all of a person's assignment in Protectorate, as saving the lives of humanity, and Authority personnel are always the first priority.

Equipment: While Protectorate uses a wide range of offensive equipment with their rescue teams by nature of it being unregulated, their rescue equipment and armory is invariably made in house, due to the lack of third party development agencies for the anomalous world, besides GEAR. Their premier equipment is the ODAvX, or Omniversal Diving Apparatus, current version 10. It allows for any protectorate ranger to get into any catastrophe with ease.

All issued equipment is catalogued and registered under their respective serial number. Protectorate personnel are ultimately responsible for the maintenance, functionality, and completeness of said equipment upon conclusion of their deployment.

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