Overview: This document deals with various peoples known to deal in paranormal artifacts, as well as their objectives and methods of operation.
Table of Contents
Threat ID System
Veiko Olesk - PT-02

Overview: Since he joined the organization in 2003, Olesk has been one of the most prominent Malthusian combat units. He has served in various Malthus campaigns, most notably the Gobi campaign of 2005. During said campaign, he would find himself serving alongside other future persons of interests, such as fellow Malthusian Adja Hadžić, who he has encountered during various Malthus operations, and future AEP operative Anders Sivertsen. He was one of the first Malthusians to successfully go through body modifications, gaining his mutated left arm in 2004.
In addition to his frequent participation in combat, Olesk also participates in various other Malthusian operations, ranging from counter-intelligence to assassinations. However, these instances are rare, as his arm provides a clear identifier. His arm has also led to him being less proficient with standard small arms, leading him to pursue many close-range engagements. His claw-like fingers present on his left arm are capable of penetrating standard authority body armor, whilst his arm itself appears to have limited regenerative capabilities.
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