Foreword: This document is a collection of all notable Authority personnel for official archival and internal matters.
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Captain Erin McKinley by Xedric
Rating: 3.3 20
Born in Glasgow, Scotland in 19██, Erin Elrick McKinley to Mrs. ███ McKinley and Mr. ██ McKinley. She let an uneventful childhood and graduated school with an interest in architectural. However...
Nicholas S. Rieper by DrPierson
Rating: 3.3 30
Dr. Rieper was born to wealthy parents on August 23, 1952. His father ran a defense contract company, having various ties with the Defense Department and, allegedly, numerous intelligence services....
GD-WEST "Thrice" (2021-2024) by Blairin
Rating: 3.2 5
Office of the Directorate GLOBAL DIRECTOR WESTCOM GD-WEST: Global director representative for Western Europe. Personality Archetype: GD-WEST is actually a position held by three people, all...
Dr. Frederick C. Isaac by ICFD
Rating: 3.2 19
Dr. Isaac was brought to the attention of the Authority in 1987 due to his exceptional work as a prison architect, and general talent in engineering. The prisons he helped design and construct...
Dr. Harold R. Ames by Wow Very Anomalous
Rating: 3.1 19
Harold R. Ames was born on 11/12/19██ in ██████, WV, USA. He is the son of Cane Ames and Ashley Ames. At age 23 he worked in a model train factory, and soon became an amateur engineer. tagnone #1...
Rating: 3.1 16
Dr. Driscoll had graduated from the Berkley University of California with a master's degree in Chemistry. At 23 years of age, Driscoll soon had been employed into the CIA’s Directorate of Science and...
Rating: 3 5
Office of the Directorate GLOBAL DIRECTOR EASTCOM GD-EAST: Global director representative for Eastern Europe. Personality Archetype: Cold and isolated woman of east Slavic descent....
Rating: 2.9 9
Office of the Directorate GLOBAL DIRECTOR NORTHCOM GD-NORTH: Global director representative for North America. Personality Archetype: Hard Core American Patriot who fully believes in the...
Dr. Robert D. Seidman by d4rkseid
Rating: 2.7 12
Dr. Seidman graduated from Caltech Graduate School in 1997 with a specialty in theoretical and extradimensional physics. In 2003, Dr. Seidman graduated from Northwestern Medical School with a...
Rating: 2.7 29
Deus, prior to taking any medical or scientific training, was a German boxing champion in his local home of [REDACTED] winning 4 championship belts before retiring due to required military action. He...