Note: Theme is incomplete
[[module css]]
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Credit goes to
DrPierson's theme which served as the base for the theme and
televisionist's theme for the code for the image block.
[2021 Wikidot Theme]
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Committee documents are written in a more laxed form of clinical tone compared to the Authority.
There is an emphasis on history as shown by the History Section. The Committee always looks for the cause and effect, the context to give meaning. Do note that they don't have full knowledge of events most of the time, and often will have to rely on theories.
Note: In the PCAAO Format, the "Description" document and the "Containment" document are two separate component instead of being compiled together like the standard RPC format. Therefore it is entirely up to you on the placement of these two documents within the article: If you feel like using the "Containment" document first to build up the anomaly / follow the standard RPC format it's completely fine.
Format: "Description & Containment"
Document ID: Anomaly No.[##] |
Codename: [Nickname for Anomaly] |
Type/Level: [Object / Entity / Location / Other] / [Beneficial/ Harmless/ Caution/ Dangerous / Ceased] |
Authorship: [Name of Lead Researcher] |
Date: [Date of the latest update] |
Location: [Facility and/or Location it is at] |
1. Physical Description
[Physical Description. Descriptions of appearance. Anything that can be explained away by conventional science. Remove this if the anomaly in question is entirely anomalous in every aspect. As an example, RPC-399 may be an alien, but their biology is still describable in some sense.]
2. Anomalous Characteristics
Anomaly No.## differs from the Consensus in # ways:
- [List of anomaly]
- [List of anomaly]
- Note: [Additional notes on the anomaly]
- [List of anomaly]
- Note:["Consensus" is just a Committee expression for "Consensus World" or "Normalcy in the eyes of the public". In regards to Anomalous Characteristics, the numbered list is meant for summarizing the anomalies it possess, maybe one or two examples or additional "Notes" with each cases. ]
3. History
[History of the anomaly, from Imperial China's run-in, all the way to Committee own's series of encounters with the anomaly. Note that any information prior to 1900s will likely be scarce as most document is lost to Authority and Foreign Powers after the Boxer Uprising.
PCAAO's later investigation/experiment with the anomaly could be moved into Attachments]
Document ID: YC-[##]-Security |
Security Measures
[Protection of the Facility; How to keep unwanted out and the wanted in. For uncontained anomalies, write about how to prepares for potential civilian interaction and capture/engagement methods]
Management and Upkeep
[Management of the anomaly. Generally not applicable for uncontained anomalies]
Prime Document:
[[div style="margin: 10px; padding: 12px; border: #ccc 2px solid; background: #e2e2e2;font-size: 102%; color: #111;box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px #0a0a0a;background: url("]]
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:pcaao-docid width=60%|docid=Anomaly No.[##] ]]
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:pcaao-format
|name=[Nickname for Anomaly]
|type=[Object / Entity / Location / Other]
|level=[Beneficial/ Harmless/ Caution/ Dangerous / Ceased]
|author=[Name of Lead Researcher]
|date=[Date of the latest update]
|location=[Facility and/or Location it is at]
|show=["show" to display image, remove this if you don't want image]
|caption=[Image Caption]]]
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:pcaao-subject subject=Details:|width=83%]]
++ **1. Physical Description**
[Physical Description]
++ **2. Anomalous Characteristics**
Anomaly No.## differs from the Consensus in # ways:
# [List of anomaly]
# [List of anomaly]
# [Additional notes on the anomaly]
# [List of anomaly]
++ **3. History**
[History of the anomaly, from Imperial China's run-in, all the way to Committee own's series of encounters with the anomaly. Note that any information prior to 1900s will likely be scarce as most document is lost to Authority and Foreign Powers after the Boxer Uprising]
Security Document:
[[div style="margin: 10px; padding: 12px; border: #ccc 2px solid; background: #e2e2e2;font-size: 102%; color: #111;box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px #0a0a0a;background: url("]]
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:pcaao-docid width=60%|docid=YC-[##]-Security]]
++ **Security Measures**
[Protection of the Facility; How to keep unwanted out and the wanted in. For uncontained anomalies, write about how to preparations for potential civilian interaction]
++ **Management and Upkeep**
[Management of the anomaly. Generally not applicable for uncontained anomalies]
"Addendums & Incidents"
The designation of Attachments follows the Heavenly Stems (Jia (甲), Yi(乙), Bing(丙), Ding(丁), Wu(戊), Ji(己), Geng(庚), Xin(辛), Ren(壬), Gui(癸)), should Attachment exceeds 10 (Very Unlikely), they'll go into the Earthly Branches as the second-digit (Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu and Hai)
E.G. The 5th Attachment would be Attachment Wu, the 11th Attachment would be Attachment Jia-Zi
ATTACHMENT [_]: [Name(Optional)]
[Additional Details if needed]
##st/nd/rd/th Month, Year |
[What happened in the incident]
[[div style="margin: 10px; padding: 12px; border: #ccc 2px solid; background: #e2e2e2;font-size: 102%; color: #111;box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px #0a0a0a;background: url("]]
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:pcaao-docid width=60%|docid=[ID]]]
[[span style="font-size: 175%; color:#111"]] **ATTACHMENT [_]:** [Name(Optional)] [[/span]]
[Additional Details if needed]
Incident Report:
[[div style="margin: 10px; padding: 12px; border: #ccc 2px solid; background: #e2e2e2;font-size: 102%; color: #111;box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px 1px #0a0a0a;background: url("]]
[[span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 175%; color:#111"]] Incident Report [[/span]]
[[include :rpcsandbox:component:pcaao-subject subject=##^^st/nd/rd/th^^ Month, Year|width=70%]]
[What happened in the incident]
From: [SENDER]
Subject: [SUBJECT]
> From: [SENDER]
> Date: [WEEKDAY], [MONTH] [DATE], [YEAR] at [TIME]
> Subject: [SUBJECT]
> ——
> [[span style="margin: 25px;"]] [TEXT] [[/span]]
> [[>]]
> [[/>]]
Additional Technicalities:
Designation: The Committee has a decently sized catalogue of anomalies within its catalogue. They designates their anomalies Anomaly No.XX where the numbers are given chronologically, so it's based upon the time of their discovery or at least the time of documentation.
The reason to designate it as "Anomaly No.XX" and not just "Anomaly-XXX" stems from my view of how those designation would be referred to in Chinese. ("Anoamly No.XX" is a translation of "XX号异常" (Anomaly Numbered XX / The XXth Anomaly))
In earlier days of the Committee objects don't really have numberings. Soon after it's militarization by China with the loss of PLA SD, PCAAO starts cataloguing anomalies chronologically based on the date of their initial discovery.
Designations |
Year documented |
Notes |
1 - ~300 (~27 per year) |
1950 - 1962 |
The earliest days of PCAAO. 1962 is around the time where number-based designation were introduced. As a result the chronology of the designation could be a lot more messy than the rest |
~300 - ~400 (~13 per year) |
1960s |
N/A |
~400 - <500 (~8 per year) |
1970s - 1982 |
N/A |
<500 - ~650 (~19 per year) |
1980s |
Introduction of the first iteration of the Mobile Formation |
~650 - ~775 (~12 per year) |
1990s |
N/A |
~775- ~900(~12 per year) |
2000s |
N/A |
~900 - ~1025(~11 per year) |
2010s |
N/A |
~1025 - ~1150(~11 per year) |
2010s |
N/A |
For informal designation it would probably be YC-## for external organizations.
Type: This is pretty much ripped straight from the classification from Research Tone minus "Human" type because it doesn't differ much from entities.
Types: Object / Entity / Location / Other
Level: This is PCAAO's equivalent of the "Classes". It basically follows the SEKTN system from SCP with "Harmless" to "Dangerous" corresponding to "Safe, Euclid and Keter", and "Beneficial" and "Ceased" corresponding to "Thaumiel" and "Neutralized" respectively.
Levels: Beneficial / Harmless / Caution / Dangerous / Ceased
Location: The format would be [Location, City, Country]. If the object is located within China, then refer to the Provinces it is in, instead of the Country.
- Facilities: Naming convention starts with a designation "10##" and "11##", this is then followed by a simplification of the Facility's purpose, ending with the designation of the place at the end.
Example: 1017 Fauna Management Facility
Example: 1029 Marine Facility
Example: 1041 Port Facility
Protection Equivalents:
Division of Regions following PLA's Command Theatres. (Cica 2016)
Anomaly Guard: Internal guards of PCAAO facilities. Most often organized into Battalions to oversee facilities across provinces.
Anomaly Guards will be the first units sent to retrieve anomalies under normal circumstances. They will also be the ones in charge of long-term containment of PCAAO anomalies.
If it is required of them to dedicate units to specific anomalies they'll form "XXX-Anomaly Guard [Size]" units.
Naming go as follows: [Number]st/nd/rd/th + [Region/Province/Prefecture] + Anomaly Guard + [Size of forces]
Example: National Anomaly Guard Force ("National" Level)
Example: Eastern Anomaly Guard Regiment ("Region" Level)
Example: Jiangsu Anomaly Guard Battalion ("Province" Level)
Example: Nanjing Anomaly Guard Company ("Prefecture-City" Level)
Approximated Organization of the Division.
Mobile Formation: A Division of mobile infantry units, PCAAO's primary force for engaging and securing anomalies within Chinese borders. 1/3 of the MF (Specifically every 1 Infantry Squads in the Company) is consisted of Anomaly-197 which serve as front soldiers.
MF will be the second unit deployed when AGs prove to be insufficient. It is uncommon for the entirety of MF be mobilized for a single operation. During containment operations, an optimal task-force will be organized through the combination of specific MF and AG Comapanies/Squads.
MF don't usually serve long-term containment role and will be mobilized to somewhere once an anomaly is fully contained, which would then be handed back to their respective AGs.
People's Liberation Army: The PLA only mobilize their tanks and fighters when MF is overwhelmed and requires total firepower.
They will would however most certainly be involved for foreign engagements.