
The year is 1880. Still reeling from their newly found independence, the Authority rides a wave of newfound Catholicism into undiscovered territory in an attempt to tame the Last Stretch of the American Frontier. Hosted by brigands and strange individuals, a small saloon in the even smaller, newly-formed town of Tombstone, Arizona, is transformed into their makeshift base of operations: Their only method of identification being a series of secret codes and handshakes.
A young Axton-Hornsby Exploration Society rises into prominence after their recent successes in acquisition for the Authority's European branches: given nearly no oversight, it sends exploration parties under several facade company charters in the United States. The Protectorate are pushed to their limits as they hunt anomalies into this unknown territory and offer contracts. All while "Concealment,"1 is chaotic as ever, continuing to catalog item manifests and establish newly private forts of operation across the wilderness. Many dangers lie on the road ahead, but one thing is certain: the Authority will have to learn to bend what it once held dear to survive or break in the process of keeping it in the face of a changing world.
W elcome to Tombstone, folks. If you've come here from out East or out West, or, god help you, from Europe or further afield, then I warn you; this place ain't gonna be like anything you've ever seen before. The War Between the States did a number on this country, and if you're expecting swanky offices or scientific equipment you won't find it out here. This is the frontier.
After the War, all manner of strange things drifted out into 'open country. I'm not talkin' Indian shamans or bandits—they've always been here. No, I'm talking sinister things. Things 'forgotten that we never shoulda remembered. There's a band of anarchists calling themselves the Malthusiae, working strange experiments in dead towns, makin' ghosts of their own. For every church revival that does God's work, two more exist to spread things that shouldn't be spread. You'll see folk selling snake oil, and miracle cures, and deals with the Devil himself. Sometimes, they won't be folk at all. Sometimes they'll be other things, just pretending.
We're out here with no support. Uncle Sam is barely toleratin' our presence. The Indians sure as hell don't want us here. But if we're not out pushing back the frontier, caging and stompin' down on the darkness, no one will. I don't care if you're North or South, white or 'colored—we're all fighting for the same thing out here. To keep this frontier sane.
'Tombstone will be your base of operations. Your home away from home. If you're with Axton-Hornsby, you might know the drill already. The Expedition, and its parent organization, will do everything they can to keep you fed and housed and armed—in exchange, you go out there chasing rumors. You find the evil, the impossible, the devilish, and you trap it and bring it here so we can figure what the hell to do to it. You can't contain it? You kill it, so it can't hurt people who shouldn't be involved. Our people have set up forts and trade posts along the way, deep into Indian territory, but for the most part, you're on your own out there. Keep your wits about you.
— Excerpt from a speech by Mose Currie, Director of the Tombstone Expedition, 31 December 1879.
Submissions Info
The New Frontier Event: Create an RPC, tale, or document centered around the American Wild West in its last stretch; Alternatively, check out one of the few (optional) "Rumors" that have been circling through the Grapevine to get a head start on your draft. The submission with the highest final rating will be the event winner. The top three articles will have their articles featured slots on the front page, with the top winner earning exclusive rights to a slot of their choosing. Those who do not win are encouraged to upload their submissions.
You are also encouraged, but not required, to use the optional event format to flavor your article so it better fits the time period.
Submissions Open: September 20th.
Submissions Close: October 31st.
Winners will be Announced: November 7th.
The contest is over!
Congratulations to bXluYW1lamVmZg with the contest winning article:
RPC-435: Shadow at the Crossroads at 4.87 stars
BetterMyButter does not match any existing user name in third with The Trains We Rob at 4.4 stars.
Thank you to everyone who participated by entering submissions, giving critique and voting on pages. Winners of the contest will have their articles featured on the front page for two weeks. The contest may be over, but writing will continue. Make sure to check back for new entries in the future.
- To submit a written work upload your writing to the site under your chosen RPC slot and tag it with "new-frontier". If using the Optional Event Format, please also add the tag, "new-frontier-format."
- To submit art or other media upload it to your desired page and tag it with "new-frontier-art".
- You may continue to contribute after submissions close, but only submissions submitted before this time will be eligible for winning.
- Submissions must match the theme in a justifiable way
- Pre-existing drafts and articles may be entered; however, articles previously posted on the wiki must be rewritten and re-uploaded in order to be eligible for being featured.
- Edits to works are allowed.
- Do not cold post. Writing submissions must receive two pieces of feedback in the drafts forum.
- Do not request people to change their vote on your entry, excessively push or pester people to rate it, or message an overtly substantial amount of people to read your entry such that it may provide you an unfair advantage.
- Attempting to manipulate votes using alt accounts or other deceitful means will result in your entry being disqualified; you may also be barred from future events or banned from the site.
Wanted: Bounty
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