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Designation: RA-195 (Laknoctua/Lakno)
Psychological Human Likeness: 0.6
Affiliation: (GT)

Illustration from W.B Plaxter’s Field Guide to Alien Life, Chapter 5: Lakno Biology. The sketch has been attributed to artist Preston C. Dudley.
The Laknoctua, often abbreviated to Lakno, are a tall mollusk-like alien race with semi-humanoid features.
The Lakno measure approximately 9 ft / 3 m tall with a single foot for locomotion, much like a slug or snail.
The torso and extremities feature a translucent light-green exoskeleton, while the head is typically red. Lakno are bioluminescent, and the coloring of their features is individual-specific.
Facial features include a protruding forehead, mouth below the chin ridge, and two bulbous black eyes. The Lakno possess two double-jointed arms, with three fingers and two pseudo thumbs on each hand, allowing for a broader range of flexibility and tool use.
The eyes of the Lakno have anomalous properties, acting as portals to an unknown energy source. While used generally to communicate, the eyes can also flash a sequence of colors in rapid succession, which will induce seizure-like effects, even in Humans or Aliens with no history of Photosensitive epilepsy. In addition, the Lakno are innate psychics, possessing telekinetic abilities far exceeding the Zidophants.
As master psychics, the Lakno species can mould matter and energy as they see fit. Most technology includes telekinetic dynamos for general use power. Like the Zidophants, Laknos can utilize the Ursaplane for FTL. This ability is exclusive to small one-person pod ships, which despite being unarmed possess photorefractory capabilities to prevent visual contact
Perhaps their most impressive piece of technology comes in the form of their mothership, "The Vimana". With the diameter spanning roughly the size of the Earth's moon, the massive ship is currently the only known vessel of its kind, leading researchers to speculate on the Lakno's potential status as an endangered species. However, though many Lakno ambassadors, scientists, scholars and priests have assisted the GRPC on numerous occasions and helped to elaborate on the Lakno species, their origin has been kept a closely-guarded secret among the higher ranks within the Vimana.
It appears that the majority of their race is aboard the Vimana and not inhabiting another planet permanently is unknown, as the idea of colonising a planet, even one devoid of an existing sapient species, has seemed to be an unsettling topic for the Lakno to speak about during interviews or even informal conversation with GRPC members. Because of this, it is unclear if the Lakno even possess the technology to properly colonise a planet of their choosing, if they one day wished to do so.

Photo of the "Vimana", the illusive Lakno ship and current habitation of the entire race, as currently understood by the GRPC.
While not much about the origin of the Lakno is clear or available, one standing theory suggests that the Lakno originated from a foreign Galaxy as an exploration team.
They arrived in the Milkyway roughly 30K Earth Years ago, during the height of the Kymen Empire. Supposedly, the first alien life the Lakno encountered were the Hopkins1. A Hopkins bandit fleet raided the Lakno’s primary ship, “The Vimana,” sacking its information hubs for schematics. The Lakno would have likely been wiped out on board their ship if it was not for the appearance of a Kymen2 battleship, who exterminated the attacking Hopkins as quickly as they left.

Photograph of the dubbed "Watchers in the Woods"; two Lakno siblings who had apparently gone missing during an exploratory mission. Though the reason for appearing on Earth in 1952 is unknown, it has been theorised that some time wormhole-based anomaly is to blame.
While a minor footnote to Kymens, this battle would shape the Lakno outlook on all life in the Galaxy. Over the next couple thousand Earth Years, Lakno would silently explore the Galaxy, collecting data from the minor to the major. First official contact with the Lakno would occur in 1952 C.E., Flatwoods, West Vergina, when two Lakno 'twins' were mistaken as hostile invaders by the newly founded Anti-Xeno task force Blue Book, which led to their capture and eventual death along with most inhabitants on Earth during Embers Day.
This event would sour Human-Lakno relations pre-Embers Day. However, after the post-Embers Day event, Humanities' status as a GT race has shifted the Lakno perception of mankind.
Culture and Psychology
The Lakno are a hyper-intelligent species, and will actively seek knowledge, wisdom and even spiritual enlightenment, speculated by the GRPC to be a genetically-inherited trait within their race.
While not aggressive or expansionist, the Lakno will kill mechanical or biological lifeforms that put their lives in danger, though negotiations will be preferred if available to them. The Lakno possess a picture-perfect memory; information learned is never forgotten. Cross-species communication is a fundamental trait expected of all Lakno seeking to leave Vimana.
Government and Religion
Highly religious as they are intelligential, the Lakno had formed a cult-like pseudo-religion over the Kymen species, referring to them as "angels" in their language, believing them to be warrior guardians. The formerly pacifist Lakno have since embraced the value of aggressive action for the purpose of safe-guarding others and their culture, which has been passed on to the younger generations of teaching, though passive behaviour is still highly valued as more important than aggression.
From these teachings, the Vimana is often compared by the GRPC to old Earth temples, as the Lakno have no official form of government or monarchy, but instead teachers and scholars that pass on their knowledge to young fledglings. The Lakno "Council of Ba" is the closest form of a leadership that the species has aboard the Vimana.
Roles and Positions
When a Lakno comes of age, they’re required to join one of four sects aboard the Vimana.
- Ba, overseers of Vimana, and voice for the Lakno species. Superior ranked Ba members are legible to join the council, while 'lesser' Ba members serve as ambassadors.
- Ru, guardians of the young who guide others on the path of spiritual enlightenment. Regarded at the 'priests' of the Vimana.
- Shiv, explorer scholars for the vast library and keepers of Vimana. Also regarded as the 'missionaries' of the Lakno.
- Kai, psychic defenders of the Vimana and the Lakno species. Though the Lakno have no official army, the Kai are expertly trained in many psychic and psionic abilities, making them versatile warriors even against other psychic opponents.
Diplomatic Procedures
The Vimana is a sacred and forbidden vessel to all non-Lakno species.3
The Lakno have been accepted collectively into Psy Corps, and actively aid the Protection Corps as a fellow Corps GT member race.
Though the Lakno are not purposefully hostile towards other Psy Corps and GRPC members, all care is to be taken as to not provoke an aggressive response or to ridicule their religious practices. Protective eye wear is to be worn at all times when in the vicinity or several Lakno to avoid seizures. It is customary to allow the Lakno ambassadors to speak first and allow their objectives to be noted before any further interaction is initiated.