(Archived) Joke RPCs

This page served as the hub for all joke articles until August 23rd, 2019. On that date, joke articles were migrated to the new Non-Canon Hub, leaving this page unused. Below are the page's last contents. Do not add new joke articles to this page.

This is an index of all the "joke" articles on the RPC Wiki. If you are interested in contributing a Joke RPC, keep the following in mind:

  • Joke RPCs must be funny. Site members will generally downvote jokes that they don't find funny.
  • Pop culture and video game references don't work when done straight. Just as with main series RPCs about mythology or folklore, it generally won't work unless you add a healthy dose of Authority-flavored twist to it. Evangelions and portal guns simply won't cut it.
  • The Joke index is not a dump box for ideas that didn't make the cut for the main series. Joke RPCs are generally considered harder to write than main-series RPCs and are one of the top three most difficult things for new authors to write about (along with Humanoids and Gamma-class objects).
  • Please don't randomly write things here. Just don't. If you want to write a joke RPC, think it out.

███-███-█ - ████
RPC-✋-J - RPCaveman
RPC-002-J - Quantum Complaints
RPC-003-J - Shower Boi
RPC-004-J - The Man with All The Gifts
RPC-042-J - They Breath Oxygen
RPC-070-J - A Cerealiously Bad Problem
RPC-092-J - One Hot Reactor
RPC-248-J - Almond Mom
RPC-404-J - A Flashbang
RPC-470-J - "I'm Not Him!"
RPC-505-J - Homicidal Seals
RPC-666-J - Coldpost the Hedgeheg
RPC-777-J - Blackjack and Hookers
RPC-807-J - (account deleted)
RPC-940-J - is the anomaly featured on this page!
RPC-1340-J - The Great Pestilence
RPC-1946-J - The Eternal Boomer
RPC-7143-J - An Attractive Piece of Hardware
RPC-8964-J - Is Something That Never Happaned
RPC-9001-J - Containment Board
RPC-Cringe-J - You just posted cringe!
RPC-Phantom-J - A Brief Exaggerated Explanation of the RPC Discord Server’s Very Own Anomaly
RPC-You-J - Trash
RPC-Does-not-exist-J - "It's on the tin"
RPC-dQw4w9WgXcQ-J - lloR-kciR
RPC-Funny-J - A Funny Joke

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