Rattenkönig Doors

This page is an archive for a contest entry that was hosted at a special URL. The article has since been ported to the main site as RPC-669.





Mycelial filaments beneath the skin of an instance of RPC-666-1.

Registered Phenomena Code: 666

Object Class: Gamma-Red

Hazard Types: Self-Replicating Hazard, Bio-Hazard

Containment Protocols: Given the nature of RPC-666 is incredibly difficult to contain, the Authority has prioritized the containment of entities created by RPC-666. Any living instances of RPC-666-1 are to be retrieved by Authority personal and brought to containment at Site-0071. Should a mass infection of RPC-666 in any animal population occur personnel are to enact Emergency Protocol 666-02. At least 2 security personnel are to monitor any instances of RPC-666-1 the Authority possesses in captivity. Under no circumstances should an instance of RPC-666-1 enter a functioning instance of RPC-666-A.

Description: RPC-666 refers to a currently unidentified species of parasitic fungi of the genus Cordyceps2. Unlike other members of Cordyceps RPC-666 is primarily mammopathogenic, particularly it is preferential to rats and other small mammals as hosts. The anomalous properties of RPC-666 begin to manifest when a group of animals within the genus Rattus become infected. Researchers have separated the stages of RPC-666 infection, which are detailed below.

Typically a group of infected subjects will seek each other out in the later stages of infection, and if they succeed in finding each other will be compelled to congregate incredibly closely with each other, until the subjects tails have been effectively knotted together. At this point the group has become an instance of RPC-666-1. In this state the separate organisms act as a single entity, and share intelligence through unknown means. RPC-666-1 instances appear to become more intelligent as the number of individual organisms included increases. [See Addendum 666-I for experiment logs.] Experimental data suggests that instances of RPC-666-1 will periodically experience hallucinations, most likely induced by RPC-666. Experiment 09-8B specifically established that the hallucinations are both visual and auditory. Research is currently ongoing to ascertain the nature of these hallucinations. wait.gif

Deceased instance of RPC-666-1.

It has been concluded through experimentation that the transfer of information between each organism within RPC-666-1 is facilitated by the knot of the subject's tails. As shown in experiment 09-3C, when a subject's tail is severed it no longer has access to information given to still connected subjects. How RPC-666 is able to form a system of intelligence within the infected organisms' tails is currently unknown.

Despite infecting primarily mammals, prolonged exposure to PC-666 spores seems to have no effect on human subjects. [See Addendum 666-II for revision.]

Addendum 666-I: RPC-666-1 Experiment Logs

Addendum 666-II: [REDACTED]





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