GRP-243 — "The World Eaters"
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Galactic Registered Phenomena: 243
Object Class: Gamma - Orange
Hazard Types: Geological Hazard, Sentient Hazard, Gravitational Hazard.
Additional Properties: Extra-Terrestrial, Organic, Titanic.
Containment Protocols: At this point in time, containment is physically impossible. Avoidance of the galaxy’s Outer Rim is recommended to prevent any encounters with GRP-243-A.
An emergency “turn and burn” procedure is recommended if an instance is spotted. An array of automated Highland Observation Outposts have been set up around the Outer Rim, operating as an Early Warning System. If GRP-243 is spotted in an area, nearby ships will be warned of the occurrence and advised to change course immediately.
Should GRP-243 occur in the vicinity of the Endeavour an emergency FTL jump is to be enacted with the outmost urgency.
Description: GRP-243 refers to a common phenomenon commonly reported in the Milky Way’s Outer Rim.
When a GRP-243 event occurs, a nebula will form in the span of a short time, from three to six seconds, and any planet, object, or ship within 13.899,2 km radius will be forced towards the nebula.
As observed during Incident 243.1, a GRP-243-A instance will appear after a varying amount of seconds; these instances resemble a circular mouth of enormous size, with visible sharp fangs inside the mouth. In addition, Insect-like appendages can also be seen inside the nebula. These entities do not appear to possess any visible olfactory, auditory or visual apparatus. GRP-243-A instances have been observed mainly feasting on planets and stars., and tend to ignore ships and stations, although these will be consumed as well should they be in range.
Discovery: On March 24th 28 AE, GRPC Ranger Matthew Darren, while exploring a moon in search for resources and materials, fell victim to a GRP-243 event thus dubbed Incident 243.1.
Further is what was salvaged from Ranger Darren’s ALOS transmission.
<Begin Video>
[Continuous buzzing is heard as Darren initiates recording. The record opens with a wide shot on a barren plain]
Ranger Darren: "Ok, so… here we are. Pretty quiet place. Hopefully I find something. There was uh… some interference in the comms on my way here I’ll try investigating that later."
[The Ranger takes a few steps towards a rock laying a few meters ahead; slight interference in the record is visible]
Ranger Darren: "There’s usually iron on these moons… real mines, bring a lot of good stuff, let me see.." [The Ranger kneels by the rock, dusting it off] "Surely seems calcareous, maybe there is something here. I’m more interested in whatever was messing up the comms. I’ll probably signal this place for a full squad recon. Who knows, could be the Ecclesiarchical Primarchy. Nobody else usually comes by the Outer Rim."
[Approximately ten seconds after Ranger Darren approached the rock, a nebula appeared nearby. Darren takes notice of it]
Ranger Darren: "Uhm… that wasn’t here before. I don’t think nebulas can form that fast." [By this point, a GRP-243 event had commenced, and the first signs of a GRP-243-A instance were visible. Ranger Darren rushes back to the ship]
Ranger Darren: [Now clearly distressed] "I have no idea what’s going on… holy… hold on." [There is a zoom on the nebula as the instance makes its full appearance] "Oh shi-"
[The record stops for a few seconds, then footage cuts to Ranger Darren attempting escape. The ship is forcefully attracted towards the instance’s jaws alongside the moon and every other form of matter. The ranger ship’s alarm blaring and screaming is the final audible thing recorded before the footage is suddenly interrupted]
<End Video>
Addendum: After further inspection, the interference Ranger Darren was trying to investigate has been partially deciphered. Albeit still unintelligible, it was recognised as a distress call from an unknown individual; attempts to decipher what little can be grasped of the language were unsuccessful.