The time has finally come for the writers to come together once again and submit their ideas for who should lead the Authority for the next four years! This page will be used to host all submissions on-wiki as well as assist users with navigating them all, as well as reminding themselves of the current holders of the titles.
To get into the the thick of it, here are the rules:
- Each user can submit up to two candidates by himself, and an additional one if it is a collaboration with another user.
- Submissions for the Divisional Global Directors should be a full on personnel file, as seen in this example: http://rpcsandbox.wikidot.com/division-gd
- On the other hand, the Regional Global Directors should only be described in a maximum of two paragraphs. Keep it short, sweet and to the point!
- Examples for these are in the current GD pages, each linked in their respective tab.
- As with any article, personnel files of the Divisional GDs require at least two pieces of crit on the draft forums.
- The last day for submissions is the 15th of November. has been moved up until the end of the month! So use this good will to send the submissions to
8ismo, and you will have it uploaded here!
More info on the voting process will be revealed once we get to it but expect it to be similar to the last one! Now get to writing and submitting your ideas!
Writers, put your pencils, pens and keyboards down: For the submission period is officially over!
Thank you for so many submissions, and thank you for working together to create some truly interesting characters. Once the voting period begins, I am sure that there will be many gripping races between the candidates - While Father Gavrilo, Halfpenny and Pimpirev get the opportunity to redirect their attention to more pressing matters than finding a way to prove themselves.
But, here is the catch: Now that we have an existing list of characters, what do we do with them? Do we just let them sit on a list and ferment for the next month, and the four years after that? Or do we continue our stride and further our flow of creative juices? I say we do!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the second part of the GD Election:
In the following month of December, you are encouraged to continue expanding your characters by writing articles and tales featuring them: From the events described in their backgrounds, to their encounters with the anomalous - and even other candidates and current Directors, maybe even from a time that none were the current powerhouses! Some of you have even began weaving such threads within their submissions - a very commendable action.
Work together with the other contestants to truly make this event shine and flesh out the men and women who stepped out to take charge of the Authority!
To finish off, some logistical details: Submissions for the Tales from the Directorate will be open until the 25th of December, 00:00 CEST. Afterwards, we will immediately begin with the voting process that will be conducted on the Discord from the 25th up to next year, 1st of January 2024 - to end the year with a bang!
All in all: Good luck, and have fun writing!
With that, we come to a close!
Thank you everyone for participating, be it through submissions, critique or voting - I hope to see you all in the next elections, and be sure to use the victors, as well as the other candidates for future projects!
The current positions are as follows:
- GD-SCHL Father Gavrilo stays on his current position.
- GD-CMDR Lightning Rod stays on his current position.
- GD-ARCH Forge is succeeded by OPERATOR.
- GD-NORTH Jingo stays on his current position.
- GD-SOUTH Yeta is succeeded by Red Cutter.
- GD-WEST Thrice are succeeded by Eyes.
- GD-EAST Tovarka stays on her current position.
- GD-AFRI The Humanitarian is succeeded by Spoggerig
- GD-EURA Halfpenny stays on his current position.
- GD-ASIA Uyoku is succeeded by Xiezhi.
- GD-OCEA Silent Surfer stays on his current position.
- GD-ANTC Pimpirev stays on his current position.
And don't forget to check out the new and updated Directorate page, now with a list of all previous known Global Directors!
And of course, a few words from someone who has more than two cents to give regarding the Elections…
To whom it may concern,
When Forge approached me with a request to speak of my experiences as a Global Director I was, to say the least, disinterested.
I was and am more than aware of the reputation of my personal GD generation. The generation that allowed the Site-014 tragedy that led to the worsening of relations with almost an entire continent, the generation that witnessed one of the biggest strings of separate incidents that came one after the other like heavy rain, and the generation that was one of the only ones that had its entirety be voted off, retired or in some other way removed from its positions. The various unofficial titles, such as my personal favorite of “The Atomic Twelve”, were a very base but apt sign of how we were seen.
At times, I am often asked whether I ever wished I had done certain things differently. And I will answer this now as I have many times: No. Once you make a decision, there is no turning back. Whether or not hindsight later reveals it was a “bad” decision, the correct way, the only way is the way forwards. If you do not commit to your decisions, it shows doubt and sows insecurity in your followers at crucial moments. Something that in our line of work, both regarding the Containment Division and the Authority at large, is often what decides whether or not someone will survive to see the next day.
The decision to extend our terms was made in the attempt to keep the shaky rhythm of peace my generation kept. A decision that some do not agree with to this day, while others lament it had not lasted longer. For me, it was the opportunity to begin planning my retirement. The reparations we gave to the US was the first blow in many to the would-be peace for which we were kept around for. The Regional Directors called for change, and change came in the form of the new generation of Global Directors. A dramatic decision for sure, but not one that was unpredictable.
So, when the Regional Directors called for another vote three years after the introduction of the newest generation, it was met with almost as much controversy as the one from the beginning of 2021. Many reasons were cited, but the call for "fairness" and normalcy was repeated many times. “We need to return as soon as possible to a known rhythm”, they said. “The events that led up to both the extension of your terms and the last voting were isolated cases that shouldn’t stop the Authority from choosing, or keeping, the people that lead them.” So here we are.
When Forge approached me, I was disinterested due to my wishes to return to my own projects that will assist the Authority. When I had retired, I opted to get a small team and continue assisting the people of the world and of the Authority with my knowledge. It was my decision to make and looking back at my experience as a Global Director, I knew that there was more to do and more to help. If it is the wish for the Regional Directors to test this new generation with a vote, to see who has kept their support through the years, then so be it.
The Authority is strong, and it will continue getting stronger through the people that make it and lead it. I welcome the newest Global Director elections, and wish good luck for all the candidates.
All the best,
Former G. Director “Flood”
An old Eastern Orthodox priest and self-taught statistical mathematician, GD-SCHL attempts to teach people the old ways of the Authority while not disregarding the new discoveries of modern times.
A calm forward thinking intelligence officer who is always thinking of the outcomes of his actions. GD-CMDR used to be a soldier, but was conscripted into the intelligence community after the loss of his arm. His lack of a limb required him to think differently, and he quickly rose up the ranks of the CIA, and then the ACI, as one of the most ingenious recruits.
Codename "AWACS" is a figure that has received much controversy since his time joining the Authority on shaky terms. (…) In his youth he was a member of the Ganden Monastery before the Tibetan Uprising lead to its destruction and he chose to flee the country along with many of the buddhist monks. Afterwards, still scarred from the destruction of his home, he abandoned buddhism, choosing to study aviation and eventually finding a job as a helicopter tour guide, often taking people to the various mountains of the himalayas.
Submission made by
An engineer who’s always thinking up new ways using technology to push the Authority forward. GD-ARCH was conscripted into the Authority after managing to restrain a rogue anomaly using a crude device. Much more straightforward than other members, GD-ARCH always looks for a short-term solution before building up long-term ones, and can often get impatient with the other GDs.
Codename "OPERATOR" has always been an elusive figure; an urban legend amongst the lower ranks of the Containment Division. From a reference to the Authority's central radio relay (OPERATOR STATION) to an all-hearing boogieman used to scare newbies straight, the OPERATOR title has come to be associated with the Authority's ever-present gaze on internal affairs. For those greying department heads in-the-know, such title conveys only respect
Submission made by
Painfully stubborn, unabashedly blunt, and suicidally loyal to anyone he calls a friend and ally, Ringleader has carved his way from the deepest depths of the Authority and shown himself to be one of Containment’s most wilful and competent. Often underestimated due to his background and poor education, his iron will and brazen transparency have either won over or whittled down many of those who spoke with him.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: Hard Core American Patriot who fully believes in the concept of manifest destiny. Decisive, aggressive, and fully committed to the goal of protecting humanity from the anomalous. Is perfectly willing to flex Authority power if it means containing the anomalous, and cares little for the objections of any potential GOIs or AOIs. Can easily be described as a war-hawk.
Favors Protection above other Divisions, as they tend to align with his viewpoint and modus operandi the most often. He sees them as the most effective way of fulfilling the Authority's goals.
Relationships: Supports any decision that will directly strengthen the Authority's position. Does not support giving influence or containment responsibilities to other GOIs or AOIs, preferring to have the Authority alone deal with the anomalous. Frequently tries to gain SOUTHCOM's support.
Personality Archetype: A man born of mixed Russian-Tlingit heritage, Raven is known by many as a peacemaker, often working to smooth relations between other Directors. He has also shown a definite preference for avoiding open conflict with rival Agencies of Interest. Some have mistaken him for a pacifist, but in reality he simply tends to favor subterfuge, information warfare, and other clandestine (and occasionally underhanded) methods over overt shows of force. He tends to view more decisive actions as a last resort, and votes against them more often than many of his fellow Directors.
Raven has also gained a reputation for developing an unusually syncretic approach to thaumaturgy, freely blending elements of both European traditions and First Nations practices. His current pet project has seen him working to revive traditional Tlingit shamanism in partnership with members of the Theistic Department.
Relationships: Raven supports ACI efforts frequently and has sought to increase their scope. He has also encouraged closer ties with AoI's (usually with the understanding that the Authority will be the superior in these relationships) and made diplomatic overtures towards less outwardly hostile GoI's, seeking to expand the Authority's influence in the Veiled World.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: A hardworking, relentless, ruthless, resourceful man. Born in Mexico, he is very confrontational; whatever conflict there is, he will actively participate in it to end it permanently. For him, the ends justify the means, and the best solutions are those that permanently end a problem. No matter the cost.
He rarely if ever sleeps, often staying up to 28 hours straight. There is always work to be done, even if it doesn't require his direct intervention. Because he was born and raised in a violent enviroment, his decisions may appear rash, irrational, or downright controversial at times. However, the results and its benefits consistently provide the Authority with more power.
Relationships: Due to his hard working culture, he has a reputation for criticizing his peers about their methods, work procedures, and overall effectiveness. Regardless, he still has upmost respect to each one them, never looking down on a person doing their job. He's been known to cooperate heavily with GD-AFRI, since their ideologies and political background are not so different. Contrarily, he often clashes and debates with GD-OCEA and GD-SOUTH, due to their different priorities at the time of solving conflicts.
He mainly invests and favors both Containment and Protection, mainly because their subdivisions can consistently meet his deadlines. Rarely does he employ help from Research, but he has high respect for the Office of Analysis and Science. He heavily dislikes Administration, its common for him to be the first person to enter and leave a Board meeting. To him, his time could be used elsewhere.
Submission made by
High Gamma
Personality Archetype: South Chilean, Resourceful, Progressive, Self Centered, Bold, Vocal. GD-South comes from the less fortunate regions of Chile, where he developed his improvisation skills that helped him to come into his current status. With the Southern Command being one of the least funded/focused regions compared to its peers, GD-South became more esoteric with experimentations which he believes to be the way forward with the advent of the Anomaly Boom.
Notable achievements include the containment of a Gamma-class anomaly, the improvement of anomalous-focused technology, supporting Containment, while also being one of the founding members of the Southern Experimentation League, made to harness the useful potential out of stable anomalies found in South and Central American regions.
Relationships: Although not well liked by his peers for his somewhat cocky attitude, naive behavior, and unorthodox methods, GD-SOUTH was also never liked by outsiders. However, he was shown to be a very capable person, as well as generally keeping his more “eccentric” personality well-hidden. GD-SOUTH greatly favors the usage of anomalies over any other methods, believing it to be a viable substitute to more conventional methods of containment given Southern Command’s resource constraints, this results in him almost always siding with Research on most occasions.
GD-SOUTH has obtained a somewhat antagonistic relationship with both divisions outside of research. His relations with other GDs is unstable, some enjoy him while others despise him, although he is one to talk to during meetings. Controversial yet ballsy, GD-SOUTH is one to start a conversation, and never the one to end it, always on the forefront of every argument, a vocal, young man who's making waves for a future yet to arrive.
Personality Archetype: Red Cutter is a timid and non-confrontational middle aged man who rose to the upper echelons of SOUTHCOM due to a considerably impressive knowledge and understanding of Authority, particularly Administration, bureaucracy and paperwork.
When initially hired by the Authority as an archivist, Red Cutter's Authority documents incorrectly identified him as a female instead of a male. The error had not been identified by anyone until he noticed that he was eligible for a maternity leave in his contract renewal. Initially believing it was a spelling error, Red Cutter began a long and complicated process of obtaining, filling in and sending various forms and papers to correct his mistake - a process that although took a considerable amount of his free time also gave him a much deeper understanding of how unoptimised such processes were within the Authority.
By the time he had corrected the mistake within his personnel file, Red Cutter gained a respectable proficiency in Authority paperwork and a wide web of connections consisting of other staff members who required assistance with their own issues. His talent was recognised and cultivated, with him discontinuing a small gross of unnecessary and out of date forms and noticeably improving the flow of data and information within the OIRS.
Relationships: Red Cutter holds no favoritism towards any specific Division, including Administration. He puts much greater importance to the connections and communications between each respective Division and the many, many departments that make it up. While there were concerns for his shyness hindering his work, it has only served to fuel the surprise of his ability to stand his ground in meetings and confidently showcase possible ways for all parties to benefit.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: is actually a position held by three people, all of whom are triplets with the first two being brothers and the youngest being a sister, each being a few seconds apart from each other. They appear in their mid 30s, and are often contrasting to each other, all three having different views on the single matter which can make it hard for GD-WEST to cast their vote, requiring more time than most others.
The eldest brother is a more conservative man, holding a sharp attitude that caters more towards retaining old policies regarding anomalies and experiments, preferring to go with the safest method. He was formerly a union leader from Containment before his promotion.
The middle brother is a conservative, but experimenting man, open to suggestions but still favouring older and more traditional methods of how to do things, most notably when it comes to Authority policies on weapon use. He was formerly a Stg from Protection before his promotion.
The youngest sister is a more open woman, showing a better attitude towards newer Authority policies, regardless of how many times she is voted out by her brothers in favour of traditional policies. She is most keen towards new ideas of research. She was formerly a Site Director before her promotion. She has been described by many as being more open-minded and taking a look at things from various viewpoints.
Due to the need for a new GD at the time as a result of various emergencies occurring within WESTCOM, but with each one of the triplets having come out tied in each voting session, a choice was made to include all three as a singular entity for the role of GD-WEST
Relationships: Because of the nature of GD-WEST, all 3 members possess varying relationships with the other GDs, with the eldest having a more closed-door attitude towards all matters concerning the west, contrasting the youngest who is more considerate with the others, open to exploiting more beneficial opportunities. The middle child acts as an inbetweener for the relationships, serving better as the diplomat due to his more neutral stance in the matters.
Personality Archetype: Working for the Authority since [REDACTED], and leading the Irish branch during numerous crisis, being involved in the Clondalkin Incident, Global Director "Rebel" is viewed as a resourceful and altruistic individual. Respected by his colleagues for his strategic and decisiveness, "Rebel" has been considered one of the most influential administrative officers within Western Command. His involvement in the increase of Western Command's budget, and modernizing the command's containment practices have allowed him to gain influence amongst other European branches.
Initially employed under the Containment Division, "Rebel" would occasionally request temporary transfer in-between Protection and Containment to fulfill the operational needs of the understaffed Site-[REDACTED]. Three days prior, an incident within the site resulted in casualties as a result of careless researchers. His commitment was noticed by his superiors, allowing him to climb up the organization as the Director of Security Operations for the Irish branch.
Prior to his employment, "Rebel" was a commissioned officer for the Irish Defence Force, however, not much about his military service record is known. An intelligence dossier from the British branch alleges that "Rebel" may have had connections with Irish paramilitary groups, though the veracity of the document has been mostly disputed. During his tenure as Director, proposals for the restart of operational support of certain paramilitary groups was disputed by some within the administration division; although it was authorized for limited proxy operations.
Relationships: "Rebel" has not seen eye-to-eye with the Research Division after the incident at Site-[REDACTED], generally more catering for the Protection and Containment divisions. While supporting these two divisions, he advocates for a shared budget and operations commitment by both divisions jointly. Despite his ambitions for a stronger Western Command, he oddly wishes to restructure the British branch.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: A terrifying and eccentric scientist that sacrificed his psyche for greater insight. He was originally indoctrinated into a Malthus cult at birth but managed to escape with his family at the age of 9. They were taken into Authority custody at Site-008 for multiple operations to remove the malthusian grafts, as well as receiving psychiatric treatment for two additional personalities created as a trauma response from the treatment at the Malthusan facilities. His stay at the site and interactions with the personnel ignited his wish to join the Authority at a later stage of his life, as well as giving him strength to continue his treatment.
The operations weakened his body and made him incapable to join the Protection Division as he originally wanted. Instead he joined Research Psychology department at the age of 21. He has shown himself to be a brilliant expert on the anomalous thanks to his unique perspectives, high intelligence and extreme scientific curiosity. Eyes has written multiple influential papers in his field, and participated in several revolutionary ones. He later joined the viderics department, since he considered the fact that he could not see the full scope of the world around him as detrimental. His work there gave him unparalleled knowledge of the once hidden parts of the anomalous world and lead to a personal breakthrough - through the use of viderics, he had managed to completely cure himself of his DID. From that day forward, he had completely sunk himself in exploring viderics and trying to find the seemingly unattainable goal of creating a universal drug that could cure others suffering from the same affliction. This inexhaustible obsession, however, left his mind teetering on the edge. Non-sequiturs, frequent tangents and nonsensical word usage became part of his normal speech. Despite it all, he has shown to have an unexplainable control over this condition, becoming surprisingly lucid when he needs to do important work or when he has something serious to say. As such, his eccentricities are often tolerated by the rest of GDs.
He was chosen for the Global Directorate position for his extraordinary wisdom regarding the nature of the anomalous world, rivalled by none amongst the Global Directors. He is also, similarly to any member of the viderics department, proficient at reading and predicting people. As such, even though he is inept at political negotiations he is still capable of literally sensing the threads and emotions behind all conversations - understanding when someone is lying or bluffing, or what the other party is thinking.
Relationships: He is widely adored by the viderics department because it is a once in a lifetime event that someone from there gets a seat at any GD position. And he is respected by the research division for his noticeable contributions. But the rest of the authority feels uneasy about him, either being weirded out by him, afraid, or infuriated. He has a similar reputation among the GDs, although most GDs respect him, and as such, a lot of them try to talk with him only when his expertise and skills might prove valuable.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: Cold and isolated woman of east Slavic (Russian) descent. Beautiful, decisive, intelligent and quiet with slow resolve. Spent better years of her life as an agent of KGB. Handles long term stress well, however usually intoxicated during long periods of stability. Her main goal is to stabilise EAST authority assets while also seizing the opportunity to make some good cash on the side.
Her ties to the former Soviet Union and numerous Siberian occult societies make her loyalties uncertain. Internal cohesion is however guaranteed for GD-EAST with surprisingly low rates of corruption. Due to this fact, the Authority has been known to turn a blind eye towards some more esoteric proposals and questionable resource allocations. Anything goes as long as the east remains comparatively quiet and stable.
Relationships: Stable working relationships with GD-ASIA and lukewarm respect for GD-WEST and GD-NORTH. She has been known to engage in sort of "cold war" games with GD-AFRI due to their incompatible philosophies. She's known to favor protection and research divisions while disregarding containment, as in her eyes their job is better done by protection reinforced by division departments.
Personality Archetype: An incredibly active, straightforward and blunt man of Russian descent. His frustrations with the unchanging status quo of his country led him to develop the attitude of "if you want to do it, do it yourself," which made him a perfect fit for containment. When he saw any bureaucratic or systemic flaw, he would immediately start working on fixing it, and if he couldn't do it with his current rank, he would get a higher one. This led to him climbing the ladder of the Authority at a rapid pace, which culminated in him running for the GD position. Despite his achievements, his application was turned down on account of him being too inexperienced and reckless with his actions. However, GD-SCHL "Father" agreed to become his mentor, which, among many things, led to Molder developing an interest and connection to all things spiritual, and becoming more laid back and analytical about his actions.
He has a very unstable relationship with ACI, as it's function reminds him of his country's KGB or the American CIA, so most of the time he votes in favor of policies that limit ACI's power and/or reach within the authority, directly or indirectly. And every time he tries to propose a new project, it is almost guaranteed that, written somewhere in between the lines, there will be something that will ultimately be detrimental to ACI.
Relationships: naturally, his policy towards ACI invoked the ire of GD-CMDR and put him on shaky ground with the protection division as a whole. He has a mutual respect for GD-SCLR, but often disagrees with his strict policies against the occult.
In general, his hands-on attitude and bluntness is controversial among the GDs, while some respect him, others can't stand him to the point that they put him on the same level as GD-SOUTH Yeta.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: A scarred humanitarian of South African descent. As an ex-HR Director currently in his 50s, his memory remains long, but his wilting compassion for humanity is longer. Often to the dismay of his colleagues, GD-AFRI remains the most interventionist Director of the Board — especially when providing aid to the third world when threatened by anomalous activity. However, he has a checkered past with complacency in several atrocities and is extremely stubborn.
His main goal is to expand Pan-African Authority Assets (primarily AEDF operations) and their significance within the organization. Although largely successful at passing their seldom proposals, the director will often work more to feasibly benefit from other proposals involving the internal infrastructure and resource management.
Relationships: He never favors a specific division, although he is favored by Protection. GD-AFRI has a strong work relationship with GD-OCEA and is very collaborative with GDs-SOUTH and EURA. Often, they are in opposition of GD-EAST ideologically, and GD-ASIA due to their expansionist involvement in Africa. If provoked, it is possible that they will vote against an issue to spite either of them even if counterproductive to their goals.
Personality Archetype: A middle-aged Caucasian man somewhere in his early 40s of Afrikaner heritage. He is fluent in English, Dutch, and Afrikaans, and is a veteran of Operation Dawn Initiative. Spoggerig is described as being egotistical, strategic, moderately conservative, hardworking, and a man devoted to his work. He likes to boast about his progress and accomplishments as a Global Director whenever he gets the chance, and more often than not can back his boasts up.
Spoggerig spent most of his early years in South Africa before moving to The Netherlands with the rest of his family sometime in the early-90s. He later enlisted in the Royal Netherlands Army in 1999, before being recruited by the ASF in 2003 and passing the Authority Introduction Program in 2004. From there, he was deployed to the Middle East to assist Authority forces in Operation Dawn Initiative until the end of the operation in 2006. He was later relocated to Site-040 in South Africa, where he decided to pursue a career in the Administration Division, becoming the Site Director in 2016.
Relationships: Spoggerig has been known for favouring any division as long as they provide some sort of value to him and the rest of AFRICOM, which usually comes from him wanting to strengthen his position. He is also well known for being a wild card among the other members of the directorate. Just because he sides with someone or agrees on certain matters with them doesn't mean that he considers them as an ally, or even a friend for that matter.
Although he never attempts to deliberately antagonize the rest of the Global Directors, he is infamous among his peers for his egotistical attitude. Most of his relationships with the other members of the directorate are based solely on potential personal or monetary gain, and as such are not designed to last long.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: A Liberian man of Fang descent. Described as strange yet charismatic by personnel. Though claimed to be ignorant in anomalous knowledge, Nyongo nonetheless demonstrates understanding of the occult in the form of various African witchcraft practices.
Records pertaining to his early life are sparse; Ostensibly, Nyongo spent his teen years and early adulthood traveling along the Sahel region under the nomadic Nihil group "the Restless Band", later breaking off to form his own network. Coming into direct contact with the Authority following the outbreak of the Central African Republic Civil War. Nyongo became an unlikely ally whilst contesting the local Malthusian cell "Red Right Hand" over the control of the Bongou River, inadvertently relieving Authority personnel at Site-606 which was, at that time, besieged by the Red Right Hand.
Seizing his newfound opportunity, Nyongo negotiated with the Authority and was recruited as an ACI asset, helping to chart out the various anomalous terrorist organizations across Africa during Operation Dawn Initiative - Eye of Light. Nyongo continues to maintain a strong presence across the many at-risk states of Africa, keeping opportunistic GOIs in check.
Relationships: Despite his cooperation with the ACI, Protection leadership found Nyongo's method of funding proxies against opposing GoIs a dangerous gambit. Instead Nyongo receives the greatest support in the Containment Division, in exchange for an empowered ASF.
Nyongo rarely leaves AFRICOM, his interactions with the rest of the Directorate is thus minimalized to only meetings. Regardless, Nyongo does make an effort to maintain ties with GD-EAST, GD-EURA and, particularly, "Raven", whom he considers to be a like-minded individual.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: A persuasive diplomat, logistian, and arms dealer of Egyptian descent, now wheelchair-bound in his old age. He is described as a devout follower of Hekmut and a proud vetran of the Prometheus Primogenitus.
Netjer has served the Board before. As GD-WAR, during the 1970s incursions of PCAOO and IRIN assets into West Africa, he gambled on reorganizing AFRICOM into a more segmented command. It paid off. His cabinet managed to fight a war of three fronts and expanded it to a seventh. He has strengthened the Authority’s soft power over the region’s culture while maintaining UNAAC’s status quo with brutal efficiency. His successes, however, did not prevent his untimed resignation, as to avoid the closed-door embarrassment of a vote of no confidence.
Netjer has always skulked around the Directorate: an advisory position here, a bureaucratic title there, or as an interim guest at Site-001. If not for the Site-014 fiasco, he might have remained out of paranormal politics. Now 97, Netjer finds not just Africa but the global command structure is in disarray. A war on many fronts will have to be funded on land, sea, and internal disloyalty. As Africa has always been an explosive continent, it must be administered by someone who understands war, not as a general, but as a nation-builder. There will be an order. There will be a protocol. There will be normalcy.
Relationships: When Malthus or the Ecclesiarchy talk of Authority hypocrisy, they often talk of him unknowingly. The Board Members know this. Natjer is favored among none at the Directorate. Despite his service to the Burea of Acquisitions, GD-SCHL "Father Gavrilo" tries to maintain no connections to the man: Describing him as having everything wrong with the Research Division. However, it is not favor he commands, but influence. As respected members of the para-international community, GD-CMDR, -OCEA, and -EAST understand the necessity of dealing with a king-maker. Most of his support comes from Protection out of their shared ideological ground and Research out of austerity.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: An old, but sharp man from the Mediterranean belt, GD-EURA started his career in the Authority as a simple accountant within the Presidium, but quickly rose in its ranks due to his economical expertise in several fields of finance and resource management until he was finally chosen to manage the entire economic ecosystem of Eurasia. He has always been seen as cold, methodical, and even cruel in his actions, but has always comes around to reveal his plans to benefit any specific region or project he may currently be working with. He is also the one to manage most, if not all of the Authority front-companies within his region and around it.
GD-EURA does not favor any specific Division, not even the Presidium itself, and as such, it is always a mystery what he will decide to be the best economic course of action in a voting session. Most people think of him as running the Authority as if it were simply a company, but they can’t deny his efficiency at doing so.
Relationships: Whatever GD-EURA may support or not depends almost exclusively on the economical benefit the Authority may gain from it in the long term, while of course not forgetting the Authority’s main goal within the world, or so he says. Some argue GD-EURA is the closest to his economic partner within America, although some of their operations may not always turn out to be both-sided in its benefits. Most of his other relationships are entirely business-based.
Personality Archetype: A middle-aged man of Japanese descent. Conservative, Resolved. Is a part of an oligarchy composed of Japanese hardliners of the former Japanese Empire that was absorbed into the Authority upon the abolishment of the Japanese AOI and persisted during the Cold War.
GD-Asia is characterized by his favoritism towards the Japanese branch of the Authority and his despise for the Chinese Government, which he responds to their aggression with the might of Authority’s Protection forces which often leads to rash decisions that strain his relationship with the rest of the Board.
This leads to a balance between the approval of several R&D projects in Korea, Japan, and Taiwan and the rampant militarization of MSTs within the Southeast Asian Regions which he views as the ultimate detergent against PCAAO and Chinese encroachment, both of which are part of his long-term goal of containing Chinese activities within its own borders and to develop other Asian countries, riding their need of reliance on Western influence. This Sinocentric policy results in a largely lackluster/undefined policy in regards to other entities of interest, namely "Kabushi Kawaii", "Hōritsu shōsha", and the "South Sea Enlightenment Movement", which is largely left to the local branches to handle.
Relationships: With the continuing hostility between PCAAO and the Authority in general, GD-ASIA largely sides with Protection to violently stomp out any Chinese attempts at outward expansion. With the greater cooperation with the PCAAO following the decades-long expulsion from Chinese soils, GD-ASIA sees this as the golden opportunity to strike back at the Government and will side with any Division if it meant gaining the upper hand on China (E.G. Containing an anomaly ahead of PCAAO and give the necessary funding to keep it off of Chinese hands).
His relation with GD-EURA is especially difficult as he is of the belief in abolishing the Eurasian Command and re-incorporating its territory and Asia Command into a single entity. A blatant display of his views comes in the form of occupational forces sent into secluded regions of various Arabic states under the guise of "weeding out Darwinist Influence"
Personality Archetype: A composed, principled and assertive Han Chinese woman of about 35 years of age educated in professional law.
At the beginning of 2017, Xiezhi resigned as MST Commander of MST-Wuchen-13, Xiezhi(獬豸). She was appointed as the Prosecutor General for the Authority's Provisional Military Tribunal for the Iulii Flamma Incident, tasked with investigating war crimes committed by all parties pertaining to the conflict. During her tenure as Prosecutor, she was known for her impartiality and sternness. After the dissolution of the Military Tribunal, she was assigned to the position of OEaR Overseer in the "Sino-Himalayan" Operational District, where she remains to this day.
Diplomatically, Xiezhi is seen as a pacifist. Given her open disposition towards other EoIs, her candidacy remains a controversial one within the upper echelons of ASIACOM.
Relationships: Despite her background in the Protection Division, Xiezhi favours strengthening the Presidium, believing this would reduce ASIACOM's reliance on solving problems through violence. Additionally, Xiezhi advocates a review of past actions commited by the ASIACOM administration to hold them accountable for misconduct. Contrary to the policies of Uyoku, Xiezhi strives for general reconciliation with EoIs, including the PCAAO. At the same time, she believes that ASIACOM transgressions against EURACOM should be halted to avoid an internal drain on the Authority's resources.
Submission made by
Brynhildr Juliansk
Personality Archetype: An oceanographer from the Northern Mariana Islands and Zen Buddhist. Their prior involvement in Oceania's tourist industry granted them detailed knowledge on the region's geography and environment which are critical to Authority efforts at investigating deep-sea anomalies.
A follower of the Rinzai school, GD-OCEA was taught to endure relentless physical and mental trials to achieve true enlightenment and self-awareness. Through the cultivation of their mind and body, GD-OCEA emerged as a sharp and decisive researcher in The Congregance.
A strong advocate of work-life balance due to their faith, GD-OCEA continues to hold daily meditation sessions with other personnel on their break, encouraging others to test their limits.
Relationships: Primarily favors the Research Division. Their support for expanding Authority resources in Oceania has caused clashes with GD-WEST-1 over the direction of Research priorities. Carefully manipulating the relationship between GD-NORTH and GD-ASIA with regards to military operations has elevated the position of GD-OCEA on the Board.
Personality Archetype: Following seven generations of serving the Authority, Judge's descendants are well-known to many across Oceanic Command, associating them as 'an example of contribution and long-term servitude to safeguarding humanity.' Her colleagues often seen her as a brash and selfless individual, but would be hasty in the politics of the organization.
Initially working as an undercover investigator for the Ethics Department, Judge would be involved in major investigations relating to internal trafficking, corruption and bribery, and the removal of a Regional Director. Her successes as an investigator gained her the reputation as 'Judge, Jury, and Executioner.' However, some within the upper-echelons of the organization saw her successes as a threat to the stability of global operations, with many of the alleged individuals being senior figures of the organization. As a result, Judge would be transferred to different departments to prevent the investigations potentially imploding the Authority.
Judge saw these actions as 'obstructing the foundations of which the organization stood for; safeguarding humanity from ourselves.' Around sometime in [REDACTED], Judge collaborated with an unidentified Global Director and several other Regional Directors in allowing her to root out corruption at the highest levels.
In [REDACTED], Judge would be appointed as a Chief Investigator for the Authority Compact Commission.
Relationships: Believing that most divisions have flaws in some shape or form, Judge would be hesitant in being vocal on which division to support. She often supports the Research and Protection Division, given her past experience with the "Commander", and her great-grandfather being the former Global Director "Scholar." However, her loyalty mostly lies with the Presidium in which she believes is the heart of the organization.
Submission made by
Personality Archetype: An older man, who remains one of the top minds in Containment. GD-ANTC was born in Eastern Europe, but has spent much of his life in the Antarctic, overseeing the containment of anomalies in the bitter snowscape. He's one of the last men alive with first-hand involvement in the New Swabia Austral War, seeing himself as carrying the torch of that victory; but he was only a logistics officer and gets brittle when confronted about his actual service record.
Relationships: The Divisions had yet to exist during the Austral War, but to GD-ANTC, the modern Protection Division still embodies the heart and soul of the men who fought in that time; he ultimately belongs to and favors Containment for his years managing Antarctic containment sites, but he will always hold strong support for Protection.
GD-ANTC supports the Research Division as long as the study of anomalies grants the Authority a better mind for containing them. Additionally, he has a strong hatred for the various extra-divisional departments that tend to work under the Directorate's nose, but serves as the primary indirect manager of these departments.