Registered Phenomena Code: 628
Object Class:Beta-Orange |
Responsible Departments: |
Department of Anthropology Department of Biology Department of History Department of Psychology |
Hazard Types:
Aquatic Hazard Organic Hazard Regenerative Hazard Sapient Hazard Titanic Hazard Auditory Hazard Emotional Hazard
Containment Protocols:
Primary care of RPC-628 has been entrusted to the Order of St. John the Hesychast. Further containment efforts by the Authority are deemed unnecessary. RPC-628 is currently kept within Mount Vesuvius. Monks of the Order are currently tending to RPC-628's necessities, such as sustenance, cleaning, and removal of parasites embedded within its skin.
Physical interaction with RPC-628 by staff is strictly limited. Personnel are to carry out bimonthly visits wherein RPC-628 is subject to routine examination and testing. Efforts to assist the local monks are to be conducted and basic supplies are to be provided if necessary.
All staff must wear Level-A hazmat suits1 when in the vicinity of RPC-628. These suits must be properly worn at all times when interacting with the area.2 After the end of any activities, Authority personnel and local monks are to go through a mandatory decontamination procedure in order to avoid cross-contamination of the moss with the outside world.
RPC-628 is to be fed three times per day with aquatic produce obtained from local suppliers. Relative humidity of 50%-70% within the containment enclosure is to be maintained by a hypocaust3 constructed below the containment enclosure. The hypocaust and the adjacent ventilated wood-burning furnace are to be active for at least eight hours a day. Authority personnel are currently working to produce and install a machine to create steam without the need for fire or electrical wires.
RPC-628 is an aquatic mammalian organism measuring 430m long and weighing approximately 524,000kg.4 After research, it was discovered that the entity is composed of both animal and plant cells.5 RPC-628 resembles and is proportionally similar to a common Megaptera Novaeangliae (Humpback Whale). Notable differences include its pigmentation, which produces a bright green colouration. The entity's underbelly is white in coloration, with a darker tone surrounding the affected area of RPC-628-A. RPC-628 exhibits commensalist behavior6 consistent with members of its non-anomalous counterparts. Additionally, RPC-628 exhibits external growths resembling various marine invertebrate exoskeletons as well as plant matter.
Any biological material or sea life attached to RPC-628 found in its dermis (including moss, barnacles and others) are capable of growing and spreading at 0.7m/s.7 These materials have been observed to grow to a consistent measurement of 10-20 cm. Due to agglomerates, the moss is primarily found on RPC-628's back. The moss can also be found in RPC-628's eye cavities, effectively rendering it blind. It is currently undetermined if RPC-628 employs conventional sight or uses an alternative method of interpreting its environment. The moss appears to be mundane until an object comes into proximity of RPC-628 with "hostile intent." When these conditions are met, it will attach to any surface, including beings or objects and increase their weight and density, holding down the subject.8 The moss found in RPC-628's body is designated RPC-628-1. This moss is capable of absorption of high amounts of humidity out of the body of any organic being.9 Unprotected individuals within the enclosure may invariably be dehydrated by RPC-628-1. The moss particulate found in close proximity of RPC-628 is present in the air and on surfaces.
RPC-628-A is a pitch-black two-flue harpoon10 located below the ribcage. Necrotic and infected tissue has formed surrounding the site of its impalement into RPC-628. RPC-628-A is currently physically impossible to be removed due to its anomalous properties. It is theorized that the harpoon has somehow merged with RPC-628 anatomy itself. (For further details, view Addendum 1.) Due to RPC-628-A effects, it is to be noted that RPC-628 is incapable of any movement. When a living subject touches RPC-628-A, their skin will begin to rapidly grow and mutate. These mutations closely resemble those found in tumors and certain types of cancer cells. Areas adjacent to the wound exhibit a lack of moss growth. The injury does not cicatrize or appear to heal. This is assumed to be another anomalous effect afflicted by RPC-628-A.
The following are the secondary anomalous characteristics of RPC-628:
- The primary sound produced by RPC-628 is a whistle via vocal cords. This whistle can produce an anomalous sound that resembles human vocalizations but was noted to reach higher frequencies as well. This whistle appears to be unconventional and advanced relative to other cetacean vocalizations as it is capable of speech, including proficiency in English, Latin and Italian, as well as complex forms of singing. RPC-628's vocalization is able to have effects on sentient beings. It is noted to have different effects depending on the emotional state of the listening subject. For example, those in distress happen to feel calm and those filled with hatred appear to feel physical fatigue and mental exhaustion. This effect appears to scale by intensity. RPC-628 is able to perform songs but these appear to have minimal if any anomalous effect.
- As the injury caused by RPC-628-A is unable to cicatrize or heal in any form, RPC-628 constantly bleeds. The blood from RPC-628 appears to have healing effects.11 It appears that RPC-628 itself is subject to this effect as it is able to regenerate itself. The blood spilled by RPC-628 possess rejuvenating qualities when ingested, inducing anomalous cell regeneration and temporarily bolstering the imbiber's fortitude. Besides that, RPC-628’s blood shows a noticeable effect in raising the longevity of those who consume it, slowing the aging process on the affected body. However, it was discovered that the consumption of over 327mL12 is extremely dangerous.
- Consumption exceeding the limit has a high risk of generating tumors and abnormally differentiated cells resulting in neoplastic tissue(including epithelial, connective, muscular and nervous tissue.), appendages(including legs, arms and in rare occasions malformed heads.), facial structures(including oversized eyes, ears and mouth structures.) and skeletal growth rupturing the epidermis. It is to be noted that those recently affected by RPC-628's blood will appear paler than usual, including tones of white or gray.
- RPC-628 is capable of increasing and decreasing its weight, mass and density similar to RPC-628-1 instances. It's theorized that its accumulation and loss of characteristics are interchangeable with RPC-628-1 instances. (For further details, see Addendum 2.)