
Registered Phenomena Code: 099

Object Class: Beta-Orange

Hazard Types:Additional Properties: h-destabilization.png Destabilization h-tychokinetic.png Tychokinetic

Containment Protocols:


Fig.1: Image of Haworth Crater, transmitted by the 1969 expedition from the slope of Malapert Massif. The unusual fogging of the image is believed to be a result of RPC-099.

RPC-099 is currently considered self-contained as a remote, localized zone of exclusion. Primary containment of the anomaly entails regular monitoring and observation by the personnel of Site-099, Site-019, and observation by any active interplanetary AEDF vessel in orbit over the Lunar south pole. All suspected unusual accidents, non-probabilistic events, or changes in local reality coherency are to be recorded by containment personnel and up-channeled to Dir. Erbach.

Site-099 is to maintain an accelerated personnel rotation schedule, three weeks one week on-site per rotation, to account for the minor negative health effects believed to be caused by RPC-099. These effects are consistent with other reports of long-term exposure to low coherency reality. However and most notably, post-incident 099-08, ~19% of all site personnel stationed at Site-099 have exhibited increased paranoid delusions categorized by a loss of large tracts of time, obsessive-compulsive repetition of seemingly random words or phrases, and self-mutilation of the skin due to psychogenic itch or pruritus.

Description and Discovery:

RPC-099 is the designation for a previously undocumented series of non-specified extra-ordinary effects present in and around Haworth Crater on the Lunar South Pole.1 RPC-099 is characterized by a slight decrease in local coherency levels accompanied by the unusually-frequent occurrence of highly improbable events or coincidences. Due to the location of the anomaly, these events often result in near-fatal incidents or accidents.

When the RPC-099 area of effect was originally occupied by the Fort Providence moonbase in 1949, the presence of an anomaly was not detected; the site was selected based on substantial local ice water reserves, and the utility of the nearby Malapert Massif as an observation post. At the time, the Authority had dedicated substantial resource efforts to explore and chart the dark side of the Moon.2 Fort Providence's strategic position on the Lunar south pole, and local resource access, made it a natural foothold from which exploratory missions of the lunar surface could be launched.

Fort Providence was plagued by continual mechanical issues and personnel injuries, now theorized to have been caused by RPC-099, and was subsequently destroyed in 1959. The exact nature of the anomalous events or entities that destroyed Fort Providence remains unclear.

A subsequent investigation of the RPC-099 area by a joint team of AEDF personnel and private contractors3 was carried out in 1969. During their expedition, no evidence of a destroyed facility was discovered. Regular reports to Site-019 from the expedition became increasingly sporadic and incomprehensible until the second week of the mission when all contact ceased. [See Fig.2]


Fig.2: The last survey map sent by the expedition team of 1969.

The bodies of the twelve expedition members were never recovered; based on recovered maps, retrieval teams located several of their supply caches in the area but could not discern the location of the expedition's final encampment. Efforts to minimize Authority interference in the ongoing Apollo missions made further attempts to determine the fate of the expedition unfeasible. The location of RPC-099 was left untouched until the establishment of the current Site-099, in 2013.

Following the construction of the present Site-099 nearby the old Fort Providence area as part of a re-consolidation of Lunar infrastructure in support of Site-019, resource extraction efforts from subterranean water reserves were renewed. Investigations into the source of the anomalous malfunctioning of equipment were now possible due to subsequent developments in new technology. These anomalies were now determined to be the result of lower ACS levels in the area, consequently leading to the designation of RPC-099 in 2012.

Though low-coherency operational precautions were taken and further grievances were dismissed by Site-019, discontent continued to mount among high-level Research personnel on Site-099, including newly-assigned Doctors Merodak and Sylvius. The two made several requests to explore the anomaly in-depth, and, in late 2020, used their personal contacts to have small quantities of Videric drug transshipped from Site-074 without formal permission. Their research requests were denied, due to both ethical concerns based on their aggressive acquisition of supplies, and uncertainties as to the as-yet-unknown side-effects of extensive Videric neurotransmitter use in low-ACS environments. Both doctors were transferred off of Site-099 following the discovery of their illicit operations and remain on probation as of 6/2/21.

The exact fate of the original Fort Providence ruins and 1969 exploration team remains unknown, despite several subsequent investigations by RSS and ASF personnel. In 2014, the case was shut again following a dearth of leads and due to the considerable costs associated with more involved containment of the anomaly.


As a consequence of Incident RPC-099-14's disastrous aftermath, this file has been reclassified as RPC-099-ARC. Reclassification specifications and further information on the events that led into the incident have been provided per the current RPC-099 document: pending Level 3/AEDF only clearance.

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