A scaled-down low quality screenshot of RPC-306-A.
Registered Phenomena Code: 306
Object Class: Omega - Black
Hazard Types:Additional Properties: |
Aggression |
Ballistic |
Climatological |
Geological |
Grouped |
Invisibility |
Psychotronic |
Sapient |
Sentient |
Transmutation |
Bio-Hazard |
Contact |
Corrosive |
Electromagnetic Force |
Explosive |
Extreme Temperature |
Radiation |
Toxic |
Destabilization |
Extra-Dimensional |
Gravitational |
Teleportation |
Temporal |
Auditory |
Emotional |
Ideological |
Info-Hazard |
Memory Alteration |
Mind-Control |
Mind-Regression |
Sensory |
Visual |
Animated |
Aquatic |
Ecological |
Extra-Terrestrial |
Immeasurable |
Incorporeal |
Mechanical |
Microscopic |
Organic |
Regenerative |
Titanic |
Tychokinetic |
Replicating |
Newtonian |
Ontological |
Divine |
Hallucinogen |
High Velocity |
Proto-Mechanical |
Proto-Newtonian |
Proto-Sapient |
Containment Protocols: RPC-306 is currently uncontainable in any physical capacity. The Department of Communications has designated a collective of system administrators, network engineers and advanced technical staff to moderate and restrict public access to RPC-306. The method in which regaining access to RPC-306 is made has been documented under Procedure Governor-Uniform-306-A.
Co-operation with the limited liability company Google has been secured in an attempt to document and track the file's alterations and location within their cloud system under the premise of potential data leaks via use of infected hardware.
All usage of RPC-306 must be tracked. If any unverified users gain access to the document, the Department of Communications must track the user's physical location in addition to MST Hotel-4 "Unfound Allegations" deployment. Users must be captured or terminated - amnestics are ineffective at memory disposal of RPC-306. In addition, all invalid accounts must be locked out upon detection. Valid users must follow the username standard set in Document 306-Credentials.
After Incident 306-A, all personnel assigned to RPC-306 must have been hired prior to the date April 1, 19██ and must have no known contact with personnel logged in Compromised Personnel Dossier, located in Site-██, due to potential security concerns and recruitment issues. Head Supervisor role access modification is restricted without the approval of at least 2 GD-level personnel and their presence at the time. RPC-306 and RPC-306-A, currently contained at Site-███, cannot be contained within the same site to prevent joint attacks on both resources.
Authority: Lead Ops of Operation 2020; The Board of Directors
Current Focus: POI-306-1, alias 'little gary', real identity Unknown
Description: RPC-306 is an .ods spreadsheet file available on Google Docs, hosted in an unknown location of Google's Drive cloud storage system. It is presented within 314,███,███ different pages of content, all displayed in a simple table format. Pages may contain between 314 and ███,███,███,███ columns and/or rows, with no discernable concern for layout or user friendliness - no known naming convention is used to know each variable's purpose. RPC-306 has variables which appear to hold corrupt or untranslatable data. The Department of Communications has hypothesised over 300 million entries could potentially be dysfunctional or invalid in function, displaying multiple error codes during attempts to apply their functions. Efforts to discover potential links between the corrupt data and what they could be linked to are underway, but making minimal progress. Deletion or duplication of the spreadsheet as a whole is impossible as a page error will occur upon attempt, forcing a page refresh.
RPC-306-A appears to display an online and offline mode, where the file is respectively accessible and inaccessible. If inaccessible, the standard Google error page for a missing or deleted file will display. Access is often only available around the month of April, with the earliest known access being March 21st and the latest May 3rd.
RPC-306-A's effects are demonstrated when variables are edited within each page. Upon updating with Google's servers an object, person, system or known law of the universe will alter correspondingly. Further changes to the known universe are possible but undocumented. Operative Nikolai, through deep-cover infiltration of POI-306-1's inner circle, was able to obtain a list of changes previously made by POI-306-1.
It is possible to manipulate and/or eliminate the laws of physics, invert universal temperatures and control a person's neurotransmitter levels. Further testing indicates it is possible to create entire species, orbital systems and potentially universes in addition to erasing them. The methods by which these changes are enacted are unknown. At a minimum, it has been predicted that █,███,267,309 unique events within humanity's history and █,███,756 individuals have been altered by abuse of RPC-306-A.
Deletion is impossible, even with Google's help. We've tried everything down to dumping the server blade it was contained in into acid. A year later, it's back like clockwork. Maybe it's some kind of safety feature - I mean, wiping out entire species with just a button is easy enough. What happens if you delete the whole thing? - Operative Nikolai
Operative Nikolai has been removed from Operation 2020 and has been adminsitered amnestics. DO NOT TRY TO DELETE RPC-306. What the hell was he thinking…? - Lead Operative Terrence
Nikolai confirmed KIA. See Incident Log for details. - GD-06
Addendum 306.4:
RPC-306 is believed to have some method by which amnestics fail to remove the memory of the anomaly. This may be linked to the method in which failure to delete it occurs. Due to this, all individuals aware of RPC-306 must be captured or eliminated.
Hazards: None
Containment Protocols: RPC-306-A is currently contained at Site-███ within a standardized storage locker for study purposes and to prevent interference from potential copycats of POI-306-1. Additionally, Operations 2020 personnel assigned to RPC-306-A will monitor RPC-306-A and prevent attempts to gain access to RPC-306-A at Site-███ should hostile forces attempt to breach RPC-306-A's containment.
Description: RPC-306-A is a collection of over 6,███,███,███,███ entries on a data table scribed in [REDACTED], believed to be the original incarnation of RPC-306 as a whole, originally scribed onto parchment. POI-306-1 is believed to be targeting RPC-306-A in an attempt to make additional instances of RPC-306, in lieu of duplicating the file. Current attempts to make similar modifications as RPC-306 is currently capable of have failed. Object classified as neutralized.
Discovery: During deep-cover infiltration of POI-306-1's inner circle, Operative Nikolai was informed of an operation regarding RPC-306-A and its recovery from a [REDACTED] library believed to have existed since the 18th century. Operative Nikolai relayed the information to the Authority, allowing them to track the operation and intefere in order to capture and contain RPC-306-A. Operative Nikolai's cover was not broken during this time.
Addendum 306.5:
RPC-306-A is believed to be targeted by POI-306-1. Further details in POI-306-1's description.
The work put into making these scrolls was immense. Gold inlays, trace amounts of blood in the ink… we believe that there's also human tissue used in the parchment too, and it looks like there's some kind of pattern placed into the fabric. Disassembly of the scrolls requested in an attempt to search for potential anomalous edits made to the scroll. - Operative ████
Denied. We need the scrolls translated. Destruction of the scrolls just to see if something's on the back doesn't make sense. Besides, it's not confirmed these things are non-anomalous. They're the base for this whole thing, somehow. - Lead Ops Amanda
POI-306-1's common internet profile image.
Information on potential creator: POI-306-1 is currently uncontained. Should POI-306-1 make any attempts to spread information of RPC-306 or RPC-306-A, the information is to be located and struck down legally using a front company or removed via file manipulation of the site's servers. Operatives are requested to obtain any geolocation data possible from the posts or images POI-306-1 creates.
Monitor Telegram and WhatsApp group chats of known PoI associates for potential threats and assaults. Monitor all outgoing communications of Operation 2020 personnel and react accordingly.
POI-306-1 is believed to be the creator of RPC-306-A, operating under the pseudonym 'little gary'. POI-306-1 is typically identified by the image of a small snail as his profile image of choice online. No physical features of POI-306-1 are known. The individual is of unknown hostility hostile towards the Authority. They have attempted to use proxy accounts in an attempt to gain access to RPC-306-A, but they are typically active in short periods of time every █ months, preventing tracking. In spite of creating RPC-306, they do not appear to understand the current layout of RPC-306 which has minimized the damage they are capable of currently. This has not restricted him from creating new variables and pages on the spreadsheet, in turn creating new objects.
Communications of POI-306-1 that were intercepted indicate that the PoI is prone to acting emotionally and appears to be defensive of RPC-306 but extremely secretive about its creation. Additionally, POI-306-1 occasionally uses ciphers in order to encrypt mesages however the ciphers used are typically rudimentary enough to break with few computations.
Addendum 306.6:
POI-306-1 also appears to be making others aware of the document via direct messaging software such as WhatsApp and Telegram, in addition to e-mail and social media postings, and using these social media followers to form a potential GoI with intent to infiltrate and steal access to either RPC-306 or RPC-306-A. Operatives are currently attempting infiltration of the inner circle in an attempt to gain further information on RPC-306 and RPC-306-A, as well as any related anomalous entities.
Chatting to the guy during my mission once. Was talking in broken English, broken Chinese sometimes. Might be worth looking around there. - Operative Nikolai
Addendum 306.2:
Due to Incident 306-A, Operative Gerschtov Nikolai has been removed from active duty. See Incident Log 306-A for full details.
Addendum 306.3:
Due to the circumstances leading up to Incident 306-B, all Operatives have been recalled from deep cover status in POI-306-1's GoI. See Incident Log 306-B for full details.
Addendum 306.1:
In spite of directives listed in Document 306-Operational_Directives, Operative Nikolai established communications with POI-306-1 and interviewed the target for █ minutes.
| .
| ..
| …
03/03/1983 | 02:49
this is the last time i contact you gersch
your buddies and kgb tracking me
can only use proxy so much time
i'll text you telegram link
join us, help figure out how we take back our lives
as fo
| DUMP? y/n N
On May 1st 19██, Operative Gerschtov Nikolai was discovered examining RPC-306 without permission by making use of a stolen keycard from Lead Operative [REDACTED]. Nikolai was believed to have made undocumented changes prior to this, undiscovered until 2 weeks later. Nikolai placed in custody, administered Class A1 amenstics and after confirming memory clear released into CSD population.
Well, that was a mistake. - Lead Ops Matthew
On April 22nd, 19██, 30 infiltrators posing as Authority personnel broke cover in an attempt to gain administrative access to RPC-306 and lock the Authority out. During this time, they made extensive use of Authority documentation to disable a nearby high-threat anomaly's containment and instigate a breach as cover for their actions. Further investigation during this time implies they intended to release █ more high-threat anomalies but could not due to diligence on the Department of Communications' part.
The Department of Communications locked out Site Access to Document 306-A-VarTrans and called for security forces to disable the attempt. At this point CSD-[REDACTED], previously Operative Gerschtov Nikolai, entered the incident with 57 other CSD and 13 Security infiltrators. Nikolai was believed to have been granted access to the facility by the initial infiltration forces - reviews of security camera footage shows him requiring no actions to be granted access to doors. Security forces detained or eliminated 35 individuals and 54 CSD confirmed to have hostile intent towards the Authority during a 29 minute period before Nikolai routed all remaining members to the computer laboratories to bunker down and continue accessing RPC-306. Security instead activated knockout gas locally after disconnecting the lab from the network. The knockout gas eliminated the remaining infiltrators, however Nikolai was deceased. Cause determined to be cyanide pill. eliminated by some form of fake death pill, believed to be based off of RPC-███. Addendum 306.7 enters further details.
Review of incident: Infiltrators edited 56,097 different values - all values restored to original values. Incident ongoing for 1 hour 16 minutes. Security mobilized to combat the infiltration after 47 minutes due to containing unnamed anomaly released during incident. Department of Communications' efforts mitigated further damages. Nikolai held no means by which he could bypass the doors, confirming interference via RPC-306 during incident. Surviving infiltrators and CSD were interrogated on the incident, but none were aware of Nikolai's plan indicating that the incident may have been planned internally with the intent of the mission known by Nikolai only. All remaining infiltrators and CSD were terminated.
Nikolai's involvement in Incident 306-A may indicate that he has altered RPC-306's variables somehow, potentially with POI-306-1's aid, to prevent amnestics having an effect. Attempts to modify this variable have failed.
Review of previous containment protocols: Protocols did not reasonably account for infiltration of the Authority's forces nor for additional anomalous effects such as memory manipulation. Additional containment protocol added to RPC-306 to prevent recruitment to Operation 2020 from any individual after the date of this event. Updated descriptions of 306, -B and POI-306-1 to reflect the new anomalies presented by this incident. Review of deep-cover personnel files ongoing.
Addendum: Operative Nikolai compromised post-recruitment to PO-306-1's GoI. Post-discovery of RPC-306-1, Nikolai was silent for 1 year total before reestablishing contact. No further interactions are to be taken regarding the POI unless they're to track the POI in an impersonal capacity or eliminate them. Failure to comply will result in incarceration or termination. - GD-06
Addendum 306.7:
Potential operatives compromised indicated in following file.
Consider this my 'proper' resignation.
Little Gary sends his regards.
- Nikolai
How in the hell did…? - Lead Ops [REDACTED]
Gerschtov Nikolai, previously Operative and CSD-[REDACTED], is deceased. Nikolai left a program running on Lead Ops [REDACTED] meant to detect this file, it looks like. Computer's replaced, old one's slagged. Revising containment protocols further. Recompilation of personnel dossier in paper format requested. - Lead Ops 'Herald'
Request granted. Expect further communications. - GD-06
To: group::LeadOperations2020
From: GD-06
Subject: Operation 2020: Incident Review
Lead Operatives,
I hope this incident illustrates why exactly we're called Operation 2020 and not simply another Registered Phenomena in the vault.
If such an event had occured with an anomaly like RPC-029, we'd be lucky if you were even alive and working.
I will not protect you if you continue to fail at this job. Track POI-306-1 down and eliminate him.
Authority: Lead Ops of Operation 2020; The Board of Directors
Current Focus: POI-306-1, alias 'little frog', real identity Unknown
No more chances - for you, or for them.