Composite, high-resolution still of RPC utilizing CMOS Camera integrated processing circuitry from Authority high-orbit telescopes.
Registered Phenomena Code: ###
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Gravitational Hazard, Radiation Hazard, Extra-Dimensional Hazard, Destabilization Hazard, Visual Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC is to be avoided in Authority logistics delivery routes until more information is gathered. Robust research attempts are in the initial phases of design.
Description: RPC (also known as NGC ████) is a diffuse stellar nebula located at right ascension ██h ██m ██.███s, declination +██° ██′ ██.██″, and at a distance of approximately 21 kilo-lightyears from Earth. RPC was discovered by Authority Logistics cargo pilot Jeffrey Jameson during a route-modified delivery in 2493 AD.1 Deep field spectrum analysis concludes a gaseous composition consisting primarily of hydrogen and helium with more complex elements in relatively small percentages. RPC features a valence corona around 300 arcsec across that was likely once shot out by a focal ancestor star. However, the mechanisms of its origin are not well understood.
RPC features a distinctive negative space in the likeness of a member of Felis catus.2 RPC has been dubbed the "Black Cat Nebula", as the darkness of space implies a black coloration to the shape. Two globular star clusters exist within the cradle of the nebula. The clusters are positioned such that they resemble "eyes", adding to the uncanny impression of the nebula.
RPC is anomalous in that it appears the same to all viewers, irrespective of what angle it is viewed.3 This is possibly an optical illusion due to exotic gravitational forces, however this is not confirmed, and would itself merit designation as anomalous given current gravitational theories. An alternate interpretation proposes that RPC may be a two-dimensional object; this is being investigated mathematically.
RPC can exhibit secondary anomalous qualities including visual hazards wherein observers report the gradual and ubiquitous distribution of Felis catus eyes in their visual fields. The eyes typically take the place of objects existing in the field of view (e.g. stars). Testing with blind subjects results in a similar effect, suggesting that the phenomenon may not be native to the optic nerves, and may operate on a deeper neurological, or even psychological level.
The data does not support conjectures suggesting that travel routes in proximity to RPC are inherently more dangerous or likely to result in misfortune than other routes.