I like the idea of such instruments, but I don't find the part where it attracts people into playing it to be a good idea.
Furthermore, I don't understand the part with the Hindu Gods. What were they doing there? It's a bit underdeveloped and to be fair, 351 works fine without them.
The letter at the end suffers from the same issue. It feels out of place. Why would such a problem be pointed out specifically? NYC's 432 Procedure worked, as far as the document goes.
There are also some tonal errors, such as:
the signal will be so loud
How loud? 150 dB? 100 dB? 0 dB?
In case of failure of Procedure 432-Jakarta
Double "of". Not a recipe for grammar. Also, better to use the term "In the event of".
I suggest proofreading it a few more times, or gaining a better understanding of "clinical tone".