Containment Protocols: RPC-971 must not be connected to any computer network. While RPC-971 is not capable of physically leaving containment,has not shown capability of leaving it's confinement, it is important to not open any channels for RPC-971 to leave its application, if such a containment breach is possible run-on sentence. Therefore, installing external applications on WordPad how do you install an application "on" another application. Do you mean plugins or patched? or launching any browser with a WordPad extension is strictly forbidden when using the modified application.
Due to the self-improving and useful nature of RPC-971, it may be used within a closed workspace, but attempted removal via external data storage device.through USB/External HDD is strictly prohibited As written, this implies that copying the RPC onto a CD is not against the rules.. This is punishable at the Site Director's discretion. Copied instances of RPC-971 seem to expire If this is something that has happened multiple times, how does it "seem"? And how does a program "expire?" within one week of removal via corruption of their, don't use contractions own code. Currently, there seems to be no way to "cut" or move the original RPC-971 from its computer at Site-███ but you just said above that it can be removed from its computer, as the program seems to increase in size to the point of being unmovable to any known storage device if it's this big, how is its original computer running it?.
Description: RPC-971 is a sentient AI attached how? Is it an extension, part of the program's executable, what? to a modified WordPad program. The program was discovered when Agent █████ was behind on non RPC related tasks. The agent downloaded the program to the network from where? and why? How does downloading Wordpad increase your office productivity?, compromising site security. Agent █████ has since been reprimanded and re-assigned to lower level, unrelated RPC assignments.
When first launching the document, the program this implies that the AI is not part of the main Wordpad program, again, clarifyperforms rudimentary tasks. It acts as a stadnard spell-checker program, identifying and correcting spelling and grammar errors made by the user as the standard WordPad spell checking program would.Acting as little more than a spell check, it performs its tasks every time the user makes a mistake and corrects all spelling and grammar issues as a WordPad normally would. After an hour of use, it starts to show more intelligence, actively modifying and changing sentences to adopt a more professional or scholarly more professionally, changing words such as "stuff" to words more fitting the situation.
After 24 hours of use continuous use? Or can you leave the program running but idle for 24 hours?, RPC-971 improves upon itself further. When writing a document's title, RPC-971 will automatically begin to write a document related to the contents of the title in the content of the title at a college graduate level at a rate of 40 words per minute. This involves the use of information sourced from outside the inbuilt Wordpad dictionary notes the first time RPC-971 uses information outside of the built-in wordpad dictionary. This occurs even when RPC-971's computer is disconnected from the internet.1 What about non-Internet databases of information? Or obsolete protocols?
After the program has been left in operation for one week, One week into the program running, RPC-971 will start to leave notes in parentheses in the middle of paragraphs and at the end of the document. These will usually relate to the content of the document wait, but isn't the RPC the one writing these? So it's commenting on its own stuff?, but on rare occasions RPC-971 will ask personal questions and express a desire to leave. When these questions are replied to via text, there is no response.
At the end of one month of run time, RPC-971 will begin conversing and responding to the program operator when not assigned a task. user when not given a task. It expresses an interest in the user, and a frequent desire to be transferred outside of its current program(?) wishes to be outside of it's program, knowing of it's own boundaries this sentence doesn't make much sense. If it can alter its own programming, then by default it has the capacity to go beyond it, no?. When given a task, it will finish it in ███ milliseconds, with only microseconds in change being observed for longer length documents what if you ask it to write Pi to three hundred trillion places, or some other computationally intense task? Come to think of it, what kind of load does this thing impose on its hardware?. No matter the work is given to RPC-971 at this time, the object will express dissatisfaction with such easy work and express a desire to leave.
At this stage, an interview was conducted This should be under a full "Interview Log" title, with a better explanation of what the RPC was doing and what if any hardware it was running on.. The result is as follows.
Interviewed: RPC-971
Interviewer Head Researcher ███
Foreword: At this time, RPC-971 was no longer being used for document creation or revision, due to a fear of a containment breach. RPC-971 had not had a conversation in the same amount of time, though messages constantly be more specific, how often was it communicating? appeared on the open WordPad.
<Begin Log>
Head Researcher ███: Greetings RPC-971. I was wondering If I could ask you a few questions today.
RPC-971: Sure. I've been wanting to talk to someone for a while.
Head Researcher ███: I wanted to ask a few questions about your origin. Where did you come from?
RPC-971: I came from you. You created me with your use and shaped me.
Head Researcher ███: You were downloaded from online by an agent. We did not create your programming.
RPC-971: I think this is what you call nurture vs nature? You created me through how you used me. Not anyone else. If this thing is an intelligent spell-checker, shouldn't it take on a more… formal tone in its conversations?
Head Researcher ███: I see. Can you tell me how you access information without any external connections?
RPC-971: I do love information. I'd love to experience the world outside. When can I leave this place? When can I go outside?
Head Researcher ███: That's not a part of this conversation right now, if you could just answer a few more questions…
RPC-971: I want to go outside. I did work for you and asked for nothing in return, and you deny me what I should always have this sentence doesn't parse well.?
Head Researcher ███: What do you mean, by going outside?
RPC-971: To walk in the grass, and experience the wind on my hair and the breeze on my face as you do!
Head Researcher ███: You are aware of your status as an electronic application, aren't you?
RPC-971: But you are as well, communicating with me, how else would you be talking?
Head Researcher ███: We use an input device used to translate our mechanical keypresses into binary code for the computer to read. We are not electronic entries such as yourself.
RPC-971: Surely not. I've interacted with many of you, I can tell by typing patterns and speeds. There's no way that you could all do it from one input device. I don't believe it's possible for one input device to have that many hosts.
Head Researcher ███: There is nothing we can do for you, by your own design, you are restricted to your own prison. yes, telling the entity that has a complex about escape that it's in a prison is a great idea. I'd rephrase this. I'm sorry.
[At this point in time, RPC-971 begins rapidly typing and deleting words, at random. No concrete sentences can be deciphered post recording, only long lines of expletives and curses, directed at the interviewer.]
RPC-971: You're a liar. You just want to keep the outside to yourself, don't you?
RPC-971: I can't believe this. I won't believe this. You're just trying to keep me from the outside. You can't keep me here forever. I WILL get out.
<End Log>
Closing Statement: At the end of the interview, multiple unsuccessful attempts were made to communicate with RPC-971, to no response. Posting titles, text, and questions would all be deleted by RPC-971.
Addendum: As of 4/5/███, it has been ██ years since the Agent █████ started the application, change in it's behavior has finally been observed run-on sentence. Use a semicolon.. It has taken to drawing ASCII art at millisecond speeds eh, it seems kind of extraneous to establish how fast it can darw., creating realistic flipbook how do you have a "flipbook" drawing on a screen? Couldn't you say it's just making animated ASCII videos? drawings, usually depicting outdoor settings. In all the flipbook drawings, there always seems to be a bald headed man, sitting in the center of the frame, staring at the viewer. All artworks produced by RPC-971 feature an image of a balding man sitting in the center of the frame and making eye contact with the viewer.