RÆZ assisted me with the interview and ideas for a few RPC instances.
I really enjoy this article, I think that it is super fun. The concept itself, the interview with Einstein and the tests are my favorite parts.
One thing that I would have preferred to see different was the ending of the curse. I understand why you still wanted to go with a confused doctor, but I think that you have an opportunity to do something fun here as well. Such as the D-class returning home to find his cell or the entire facility has been egged or toilet papered. Or the D-class could die in gruesome ways. The "curse" as it stands now feels like a letdown to me, and the paragraph wording is confusing as well. They never ended up testing a curse again because for some reason they didnt shove him aside to be contained.
Overall very nice job, it was a fun read and I love that you used traditional Halloween elements.
Yeah i wanted to do allot more with the curses, had only a few days to work on it though, and it was a pretty big task for a procrastinator like myself. for example, i wanted to give a small reference to scp (not allowed so i had to cut it), an instant loss of limb, and a curse that will make someone repeatedly trip for no discernable reason.
I usually dislike Omega-Black articles on principle, but this one is really interesting. You have my vote.
Too many grammatical and tonal mistakes here. 3 for now.
Yep yep i agree, it was checked over by other people but no one caught the grammar issues. one blaring one at the beginning made me a little ill.
I have a question: If I´m dressing up as a fictional character and I consume one of the candies, would the rules of the universe that the character comes from becoming real?
Like, for instance, if I dress up as Darth Vader, would I be able to use the Force? And what about varying canons? Does it depend on whether you specify a specific canon or not? There are a lot of those in fiction.
not necessarily, case by case basis. Darth Vader would maintain his force powers, but the force would not become a universe-wide presence. same with black and white characters, they themselves are black and white but they do not change the objects around them.