It's great making stuff with you guys!
Calling it now. In 2 years this page is going to be nightmarishly long.
How would I be able to add to the list of anomalous items?
Well I finally made and added my first contribution to the site. I am so excited about the fact that I actually wrote something. For those wondering what I added,I added the M16A3 that looks like a pink spork when directly looked at it.
The Grand Clock Ticks Once More
Happy that everyone has continued to make these and enjoys it.
Does anyone mind if I go in and standardize the line spacing? I love this page, but the lack of a standard has always irked me.
On May 25th, 2020, We have successfully made 200 Lesser Objects!
Went through and did a big edit on this sucker, with some help from Vizlox. Should be a lot more readable.
"swap every person visible in the photographs with the image of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson."
Funniest thing on the whole fuckin site no cap.