An incredible article. The concept is alright, but the execution is nigh perfect. A huge amount of story is told with this one page, with all its interviews and test logs.
As much as I love this article, though, it does have its issues. Nothing major, in my opinion, but mistakes nonetheless. The fact that an anomaly like this would be at least a purple, for example. Are you telling me it's not possible for someone to use this to calculate the likelihood of a meteor strike dangerous enough to end all life on Earth?
Also, the procedures on personnel using the anomaly aren't really clear. The Containment Procedures section only says you need unanimous approval from the two people to move the anomaly offsite, then around the middle of the page it says you can use it with approval from one of the two people, and then at the end it says you can use it with unanimous approval. Very confusing.
Lastly, and this is really minor, I'd appreciate some context on what language all these interviews are happening in. The interviews with the Hong Kong students were probably in Chinese, so are we to assume Dr. Lai is Chinese? So is the final interview also supposed to be in Chinese, then?
Anyway, this was an incredible article still. Magnificent work.