Thanks to Enkrum and Researcher Ezekiel for critiquing this one
Incident XXX-A: On ██-██-19██, a broken pipe was discovered within RPC-038's containment chamber.
You might wanna change Incident XXX-A: to Incident 038-A:
While I like the idea and tone of the article, maybe the frequency with which the instances are fed D-classes should be a little less often, placing 2 D-classes per day seems like a big expense for Authority resources, when they could instead look for a way to neutralize it. Not bad, but maybe make it less wasteful?
An interesting premise that feels like the writer gave up halfway and just posted whatever they had finished writing before they lost interest in the project.
Such is life in the Soviet Union
The ugly formatting almost turned me away. However, I'll admit that the containment protocols actually did have me somewhat hooked. The senseless CSD slaughter is a bit dated, but I'd let it slide. The description makes it clear that this isn't going to be a great time, though: It's another "organism that disguises itself as an inanimate object", and played entirely straight. I'm aware this is an old article, but the fear factor for these has still long since worn off. Then the rest is just… eh? Having an incident where it breaches containment doesn't count as a "narrative".
2/5. There was effort, but this is delete-worthy by modern standards.
(Edit: Forgot to mention this, but curiosity got the best of me and I decided to see what the article was like with the image. It definitely adds some visual appeal, but still not enough to save this article.)
The biggest problem the article has is the very minimal amount of effort of trying to expand the regular actually living inanimate object trope. It says that it's silicone based, that it reproduces in an asexual way (for some reason giving particular attention to an absence of eggs?) and that it is highly territorial - although it is inactive for half its lifetime. Much more thought should have been put into this, were it made today or at the time it has been written.