This RPC manages to be short and sweet building enough character to be interesting while not being needlessly long. It deserves 5 stars.
Due to Author recreating his account I am here to inform you all that the author of this article is the user Doctor Lupin.
Dreams. Each man longs to pursue his dream. Each man is tortured by this dream, but the dream gives meaning to his life. Even if the dream ruins his life, man cannot allow himself to leave it behind. In this world, is man ever able to possess anything more solid, than a dream?
~Kentaro Miura
I seriously like this RPC but i have 2 questions, the document says that the instances of RPC-003-1 are able to build vehicles, weapons, and buildings; do they build things out of plastic by creating it or do they actually pillage the environment? Secondly do the vehicles and weapons actually follow the internal mechanics of their normal full sized counter-parts or are they anomalous as well?
Another question related to this is: Does each faction’s vehicles resemble or copy the real country’s current or past vehicles? For example would the Soviet Union use T-34 tanks until replaced by T-54 and then T-62 so on so on? Because I’d love to see T-34’s massacre the puny American Shermans.
A rather fun and disturbing article. Its like someone took Army Men and turned the dial up to 11 and made it look fucked up. Kudos to the piece.
This article is pretty good, IMO. The idea of Living Army Men is interesting. However, I think the execution is a bit lackluster - this one could really use some more in-depth information. What's the chemical makeup of the toys? When you take them out and the box then makes enough to fill up again, what do you do with the winning army men, throw them out? What if you took out a bunch and started the war games, and then halfway through you took out some more and added them in? Would the army men complain or be confused? Do they use matierials they find in the testing chamber to construct their buildings, or do they just take materials out of their pockets anomalously or something? Why exactly do the army men see communications breaking down as a signal to start preparing for war? How do their communications work? A lot of questions come to mind immediately, and none of them are answered. Don't get me wrong, what is there in this article is really good, but I think there's also a lot that should be there.
I'm also not a fan of the whole "Researcher swears in the article" thing, I think it's a pretty tired cliché by now. [EXPLETIVE REDACTED] is an okay alternative, IMO.
One last thing I really appreciate about this article is that the hazard type symbols are all there in the page. The fact that very few of the pages I've read have the symbols anywhere on the page is really weird to me, considering real life hazard symbols are specifically supposed to be used to quickly and easily convey how the chemical/tool/etc you're holding might be dangerous. In fact, I'd say the hazard type symbols should be at the very top. That would probably make the most sense, if you think about it from the perspective of a researcher who's recently been assigned to an anomaly and has to quickly read up on it.
No signature defined.
This is awesome! The concept that they will initially follow the command of whoever brings them out opens up so many possibilities for ways the RPC could utilize them; capturing a smaller anomaly that escaped into the vents, espionage, vermin control, the possibilities are endless.
which is why it's so sad that this aspect is never touched upon later in the article, focusing entirely on how they interact with the environment and "foreign" RPC-003 instances. It doesn't seem to touch upon their interactions with other, non-RPC-003 entities at all.
like, the Authority has an infinite supply of miniature armed forces capable of complex tactics and developing weaponry, and the best use the Authority can think of for them is entertainment? Are the soldiers incapable of interacting with anything that isn't another RPC-003-01 instance?
also, maybe consider replacing "RPC-003-01" with "RPC-003-1" and then adding the letter a, b, c, or d to the end to identify the 4 different "powers." the 0 before the 1 seems overly specific for an RPC that only has one subclass.
I think this is really cool! However, that end note seemed way out of place and reminded me a lot of the early SCP ”funny end note from personnel”. Four stars.
good but what the hell is this line supposed to mean?
'New figurines identical to those removed will regenerate at an average speed of 5 figurines per minute.'
and it would be better with more info on the anomaly 4+