We're beginning a new art contest, this time for hazard icons.
There are a total of 26 new hazards as well as hazard categories that require icons as well (with the exception of Reality Hazards and Cognitohazards.)
These hazards will be added to the current list which will then be used for tagging articles.
These icons need to by 70px by 70px, black with transparent background preferred.
Please link your submissions either in this thread or on our official discord's rpc-media channel.
A full list of all the new hazards can be found here:
Anomalous Properties
- Self-Replicating Hazard: Object can construct more of itself.
- Geological Hazard: Object can alter topology.
- Climatological Hazard: Object can affect the weather.
- Ecological Hazard: Object is hazardous to the workings of the biosphere.
- Grouped Hazard: Object operates within a group of similar anomalies
- Transmutable Hazard: RPC can change in form.
- Mechanical Hazard: An Object that is a machine, this includes electrical and traditional machines.
- Aggression Hazard: Entity shows hostility towards staff or humans in general
- Regenerative Hazard: Object shows regenerative abilities
- Extra-terrestrial Hazard: Refers to objects outside of earth in location or origin
- Aquatic Hazard: Anomaly affects water or is related to water.
- Animated Hazard: Anomaly shows the ability of free movement. This can only be used if the Anomaly is not alive.
- Organic Hazard: Anomaly is organic in nature.
Physical Hazard Subclasses
- Contact Hazard: Object is hazardous to touch.
- Corrosive: Object displays corrosive abilities
Reality Hazard Subclasses
- Immeasurable: Object's effects are impossible to quantify with current scientific knowledge.
- Temporal Hazard: Object generates or alters time in some way.
- Gravitational: Object alters the gravity of an area in some way
- Meta-Physical: (any area or object that exhibits physics breaking or altering abilities or properties)
- Tychokinetic : Any RPC that affects the chance of one event or another from happening
- Extra-dimensional (object exhibits multidimensional properties)
Cognito Hazard Subclasses
- Visual Hazard (viewing the object has some effect)
- Auditory Hazard (some aspect of the object produces sound that can affect humans)
- Memory Alteration Hazard (object is capable of altering or removing memory)
- Philosophical: Object is hazardous to a subject's preconceived notions and beliefs.
- Sensory: Object has a permanent or temporary effect on the proper functioning of subject's senses.