Philosophical: Object is hazardous to a subject's preconcieved notions and beliefs, and may cause them to believe harmful worldviews.
Convertohazard: Subset of philosophical hazard- object causes subject to support it or its goals.
Self-Replicating: Object can construct more of itself.
Matter-Altering: Object alters the properties of nearby physical matter in a way that may prove harmful.
Predatory/Cannibalistic: Object readily consumes human flesh for sustenance or pleasure.
Immeasurable: Object's effects are impossible to quantify with current scientific knowledge.
Sensory: Object has a permament or temporary effect on the proper functioning of subject's senses.
Spatiogeneratic: Object can or has created new volumes of space or self-contained reality.
Spectral: Object can alter the percieved colour spectrum in a hazardous fashion.
Gravitic: Object generates or alters gravity in some way.
Chronal: Object generates or alters time in some way.
Causal: Object alters the sequence of cause and effect in some way.
Abrahamic: Object demonstrates religious associations or properties in some way linked to the Abrahamic faiths.
Anabrahamic: Object demonstrates religious associations or properties linked to non-Abrahamic faiths.
Geological: Object can in some way alter or affect the structure and materials of the earth and soil.
Climatological: Object can in some way alter or affect the weather.
Mediological: Object can in some way or other affect mass media.