'Bout time you posted it. Looks like you polished her up a bit too. As previously stated, Miracle Labs sounds like an interesting GOI. +1
It's an interesting idea, and an interesting entity, but this just feels like an advertisement for a GoI that never was rather than a standalone article.
We never really learn why it helps some people perfectly while mutating others (or killing them, through a resurrected host?) especially since there seems to be no real rhyme or reason to it. Regrowing an eye has no repercussions, but regrowing legs makes them attack people and be uncontrollable by the person they're attached to, etc. The entity itself doesn't even really have any connection to the "cthulu-like" mutations it causes, given it's a human with arthropod and avian features.
If there was some implied method to the otherwise madness of it's effects, or an interesting backstory revealed by the interview log (Maybe it was a straight up benevolent entity until the religious organisation lobotomised it and started bloodletting it?) instead of just saying "this organisation exists and has a lot of other stuff you'll see in other articles" i'd be able to vote it higher, but right now it feels a lot more potential than substance.
An interesting concept that could've been executed in a notably better way. However, it's by no means bad. Just feels a tab bit like an advertisement for a GOI rather than a stand alone article.
I appreciate the feedback. This was written some time ago, back when the site was new and I was collaborating with someone to set up a new GOI. Sadly, my collab partner went inactive and I am stuck with an idea that could never come to fruition.
I do have a few other articles in the works that tie into the overarching theme of 'Religious Zealots using Science' theme. Maybe once I start pumping out more content, some folk will get interested and we can get Miracle Labs off the ground.
It’s fine but like what togetic said this feels more like an ad like GOI instead of an actual article which would be ok if the GOI was big or at the least actually existed. Other then that I think if they gave some more backstory to the angel itself that would be interesting.
For the love of god I never want to see something unironically described as "lovecraftian" in an article ever again.
Other than that, not a bad article. 3/5
Hey wait a minute, I know this one! It's the Old Blood, from Bloodborne! Heals people, check. Turns people into monsters, check. Distributed by a chu-my man!
That, and a GoI that was never done.
2 stars. You could've atleast done something different with the concept, but you took all the wrong turns with it.