This is a short and succinct idea that goes down pretty much without issue until the collapsibles. Afterwards, the article meanders to the finish line without establishing much else of significance. The discovery log is at least straightforward enough, but the experiment log is mostly unnecessary and the addendum raises a narrative hook that gets immediately snuffed out.
What saves it from being a total bore here is that the "personality" is on point. It's cute, and the characters are compelling to read. Even when it's not going anywhere, it feels real and dramatic, and I like that. Against my structural qualms, that appeal is the most I can ask for. 5/5
In the event of accidental exposure to RPC-113, amnestic treatment is to be given to the affected individual, unless exposure is intentional as part of an experiment involving CSDs.
Yes, "intentional" is, in fact, the opposite of "accidental".