Also holy fuck "kinch is a target of harassment".
Kinchtheknifeblade is the most unstable cunt I have ever met in my life. If anything he's the harasser.
My worry isn't so much about CFOperator, but all the people he's gonna show this thread to should he get banned. The ones on the fence? The ones whose kneejerk reaction isn't "pfft, they're just salty SJW assholes"? They're the ones who need the proof we're acting in good faith, not him.
But for real guys please don't lash out at the SCP mods for this. Keep it civil.
I'm astounded at the lack of self-awareness they've shown throughout this whole debacle, even when it's slammed them in the face. If they didn't act like shitty people, others wouldn't think they were shitty people.
I looked at the screenshot myself and I'm sorry but I don't see it as "downvote brigading". If it truely was then he would have said something like "Oh, downvote this SCP article, lol!!!". Plus he didn't really say it in any real malicious intent.
It's not like he said to the people on his server "Guys, send death threats!!! This is the worst article ever!!1!" This is just a case of taking what someone said and taking it out of context.
The closest thing he did do was link the SCP article in the server but even then, he didn't tell anyone to harass Kinch.
Also, the people on their site were the ones who raided the people here. None of this drama wouldn't have happened if, again, they made a public statement about it and done some research.
Honestly, their behavior is slowly getting worse and worse. That's just me really.
Can you link the SCP CFOperator criticized that got him banned?
Can you send me a link to it as well so I can have a better idea for it?
www . scp-wiki . net / 4000contestcwwktkb
They're having the 4000 contest already? Man, they filled up Series IV quick.
Unbelievable, he got banned for calling an article bad.
If you have the right demographics, and constantly inject them into your writing, it basically makes you invulnerable to criticism.
Well, the foundation sent a message clearly here:
Wrongthink will not be tolerated- even if offsite*.
*Except, y'know, unless it's from our own members or even the mod of our reddit - then we ignore that completely. They were only joking but your members were not!
1. Don't say bad words- even offsite - they will be used against you later.
2. CFO is responsible for all actions of all RPC users - even without any proof offered.
3. Criticism guidelines are only for members who have proven their loyalty and pureness of thought- not for new plebs.
4. No talking to Foundation Admins without wearing knee-pads, because if you aren't suckin them off, you aren't worth their time.
5. Regular rules on temp bans are for convenience and we aren't accountable to anyone but ourselves.
RIP in spaghetti, never forghetti.
Now, who the fuck is the mole here?
(V) (;,,;) (V)
I dont like throwing around slurs but fucks sake.
They have gone bonkers. Some user seriously said you should spell 'trap' like 'tr*ap' or else it's transphobic.
They complain about people bringing in politics that they dont like but talk about a creative space for EVERYONE.
It's not about beeing inclusive for everyone, it's about beeing inclusive for people with their agenda.
They still think this is about homophobia/transphobia. Believe me, i'm far away from beieng any of those things.
Soon the site will be exclusive to very regressive leftwingers. Happens to every medium they enter.
It's a shame for all the good memories.
How can you say something so brave yet so controversial?
Has anyone read the rest of the thread of the 05. One of them is planning something in the event where we are still relevant in a few months.
Also they are claiming that CPOperator is part of a group of RPC people downvoting SCPs
Yes, big bad downvote brigade from comparatively small site is such a huge threat. Totally. (Frankly, I think they just despise the idea that slapping leftism in people's faces doesn't equate to good writing.)
I dislike the SJW habit of constantly tossing asterisks into everything as though that somehow makes things different. Everyone knows what you really mean. Everyone knows what you're trying to say. Everyone screams the actual word in their head when they see it.
(I'm willing to bet a fair, if quiet, contingent of the site is composed of GSM people who dislike being constantly held up as paragons of humanity when they just want to be treated like everyone else.)
We all knew it was just a matter of time until they did it. I won't be surprised if they start banning every member who also contributes to the RPC.
Holy shit this is retarded CFO just used the article as a example not as a raid
This is some serious nonsense, I've looked at all the 'Evidence' the SCP mods have gathered and don't see anything that supports their claims. CFO said 'Tranny?' And? Is he not entitled to say the word tranny? CFO calls something bad and provides a link to it, to let other people judge it themselves. He does not tell anyone to intentionally attack the article, downvote it or harass the author. I myself have linked friends to terrible fanfiction years ago to critique and laugh at it, does that then make me a harasser too?
CFO has a private discussion with Kaktus, who then shares that discussion. Which really only reflects badly on the SCP users. CFO also shows screenshots of users seriously and maybe non-seriously talking about uploading bad articles intentionally to the RPC Authority, which they at least seem to be taking a little more seriously:
Oh and Kinch had a post included where they blame CFO for not banning harrassers fast enough. I mean okay I guess? Is CFO even the sole person responsible for that?
I think Kinch was on fucking Reddit complaining about how we weren't "stopping the harassment", while somehow refusing flag users as abusive or actually contact us.
I'm getting sick of this shit. How many people do they think are going to fucking read 05 threads? If they actually wanna stop this fucking raiding, then make a big post on the front page. They do it with a pride logo, they can do a "Hey don't raid the RPC".
(V) (;,,;) (V)
I'm still quite astounded at the sheer inability of the Foundation staff to show any sort of reflection or self-awareness. They still have little to no idea of why they're so widely despised. They've only ever made non-apologies along the lines of "sorry for banning people for criticism" while never actually acknowledging that criticism or errors they made save for bannings.
One of the things I hate most about SJWs is that they're just completely incapable of thinking that they might ever be wrong. Instead, they simply accuse the criticizer of bigotry (e.g. "you only say that because you're racist/sexist/whatever) or use whataboutism (e.g. "you didn't talk about self-inserts when it was a straight white male"). They hold themselves up as moral paragons when they only appear to hold the majority view through procedural advantage and staff nepotism.
(This should not be taken as a political screed. The no politics rule, on either side, is very wise as I could easily see similar problems developing if this were simply a right-wing equivalent.)
With a final vote, CFOperators ban has been extended from 24 hours to permanent; they may appeal in one year. CFOperator will be notified as such once I am off my shift at work, or if another person messages them as such, whichever is sooner. I would like to encourage the user in question with the screenshot also be written up and disciplined appropriately.
And that's the way the cookie crumbles.
"In light of the above image and with the knowledge CFOperator has been linking articles on the official channels of the RPC discord for the explicit purpose of garnering negative reviews, I would like to advocate for a permanent ban for He instigation of downvote brigading behavior."
Do they even realize anyone can say CFOperator's name? Watch this. CFOperator told me to pet my cat. CFOperator told me to watch Star Trek. CFOperator told me to get drunk. It's not like they're including a PGP tag.
{might've been too mean-spirited in this text}
Tweets protected. What should I be seeing, here?
From what I could recall from some of the tweets; they said they were going to stay away from SCP for a long period of time.
A few hours ago it wasn't protected. My guess is that someone saw your link and told kinch about it. Kinch's feed was basically a bunch of anti-4th of july and political stuff. Like seriously, he retweeted someones post about burning the american flag.
Mm. Frankly, I don't really think we should be obsessing over any person in particular (save perhaps high staff, for their specific, targeted actions). The only reason 2721 and other such entries are notable isn't by their own (lack of) merit, but rather, for showing how the site as a whole has declined. Fact of the matter is, those sorts of entries being approved is the most important thing, not the entries themselves.
As for her quitting the SCP site, who cares? That doesn't affect us, nor will it reverse the long history of decline they've had.
(Personally, I also believe doxing and harassment is morally wrong, but if someone wishes to passively watch and laugh at insanity and butthurt, I don't see that as morally wrong, though I'm not certain I approve, either.)
Seriously though, isn't burning the american flag technically against the law??
(I should also say that a lot of SJWs and the like make a habit of bitching about America, holidays or whatever without really making an effort to improve things. Guess what - nothing is perfect, and you should vote if you want things to change.)
Flag burning is a constitutionally protected act of free speech. I suggest researching it elsewhere, though, since I'm probably going too close to politics as it is.