Good article, but not giving away what it does feels like a bit of a cop out. But at the same time it does let the mind decide what it does, which is argueably scarier.
4/5 But I was wondering if the author could add someone interviewing 104 or maybe an exploration log of 104-2?
The Grand Clock Ticks Once More
Not a bad one, but I need more substance to the protocols mate, add a procedure something to ensure this stays willingly contained or what is to be done if in any case it didn't want to go back in.
4 stars out of 5 for this.
The expunging of what RPC-104-1 does didn't really make it scarier since you didn't build up to it enough through logs.
The "Mobile Strike Force" referenced in the article has been replaced with MST Mike-11 for the purposes of internal continuity.
There’s some tone and grammar mistakes across the article, they can probably be fixed by just attentively proof-reading.
Something else can be fixed and it’s the concept. I like this concept, it’s a smart idea, even if it does feel slightly inspired by SCP-035 and that’s not bad per se, but what is bad is the fact I really just didn’t see any build up: All I got was a [Data expunged] and that’s it. So much about this guy could be explored, hinted at even, but we’re left with a guy building a thing that does a thing, and we don’t even know what that is.
Marco Marchi B. Mark
This one's just on the verge of being a great article. It's held up by three main issues:
- -2 is introduced as impossible to finish and is immediately finished in the first addendum. That's goofy. Not only that, but suddenly the anomaly is capable of concluding it every week?
- Zero indication whatsoever of what the dish does. Seriously, any sufficiently ominous description, even without a lot of information, would do wonders here.
- Zero indication whatsoever of why the diver is there and who he is. For some reason, it reminded me of RPC-233 and I thought that any kind of connection to an overarching goal would make this work.
I understand that the dish is somehow related to the legend behind the area, but the lack of any information about it just makes it not very interesting. Does it cause the effect the area is known for or disrupt it? Is it even related?