It doesn't make sense that the object class would be unknown since the Authority designates it.
I think it should either be Beta or Gamma, Beta because it's not entirely understood but they can just blast radiation at it, or Gamma because it's currently uncontainable.
You should replace a lot of the unknowns with [INTERFERENCE], it would make it look better.
You should probably name this unless you haven't decided on a name yet.
I don't know how lol. This is my first time doing this. I want to name it "The Lighthouse Quasar" but am open to other ideas.
Great read! Reminiscent of the 'Hateful Star' but with a more complex and satisfying backstory. Also, to name your entry on the entries list, just go to the list and click 'edit' at the bottom and scroll up to your article number, then change the '[access denied]' portion to "The Lighthouse Quasar"
You have a talking quasar, I have a talking pulsar… LET THEM FIGHT.
In all seriousness, though, the formatting on this one needs a little bit of tidying. You've got some weird capitalization going on in the first few paragraphs, like the word 'Quasar', and putting periods between the letters of your acronyms kind of makes them harder to parse.
I'd also separate the messages from the star in quote boxes, 'cause they kind of get lost in the bulk of the paragraph.
I tried to do that, but the formatting messed up, I feel like I'm not coding the page correctly lol. I need to "git gud". But separating the messages from the star in quote boxes is something I really want to do.
"putting periods between the letters of your acronyms kind of makes them harder to parse". I got rid of them, do you think it looks better?
This isn't working, the formatting looks terrible, what am I doing wrong?
Does this work?
01/01/16: We are waiting, come to us at point [INTERFERENCE]
01/02/16: Please help us, we are dying, return to us Arbiter
01/03/16: Rendezvous at location [INTERFERENCE] this comes from [INTERFERENCE] failure to obey will result in [INTERFERENCE]
01/04/16: Attempt to avoid [INTERFERENCE] unit is to be considered hostile for [INTERFERENCE] and [INTERFERENCE] continue to [INTERFERENCE] as planned and link up with your partner.
01/05/16: Arbiter please respond on channel 23, open link to [strong interference comes from the location where RPC-090 is transmitting to, causing Cerro Paranal's IEDSS to lose the rest of the presumed message]
And the code to paste into your article:
> **01/01/16:** We are waiting, come to us at point **[INTERFERENCE]**
> **01/02/16:** Please help us, we are dying, return to us Arbiter
> **01/03/16:** Rendezvous at location **[INTERFERENCE]** this comes from **[INTERFERENCE]** failure to obey will result in **[INTERFERENCE]**
> **01/04/16:** Attempt to avoid **[INTERFERENCE]** unit is to be considered hostile for **[INTERFERENCE]** and **[INTERFERENCE]** continue to **[INTERFERENCE]** as planned and link up with your partner.
> **01/05/16:** Arbiter please respond on channel 23, open link to [strong interference comes from the location where RPC-090 is transmitting to, causing Cerro Paranal's IEDSS to lose the rest of the presumed message]
It worked, but for some reason, a couple of the quote boxes don't stop at the image, almost as if it isn't really "there".
I might be coddled by the formality of other articles, but I feel like this one is way too informal and disorganized. I recommend redoing the second addendum (and other parts I may have missed) in a more formal and organized tone.
What do you mean by "formal and organized tone"? that's pretty vague. Some details would help.
Why is my page being review bombed by deleted accounts? that seems fishy to me.
Original image provided for the article taken from: