Image was made by me.
Thanks to user Grand-Raoul for checking my RPC, and a few other dudes in the Discord.
Neutral vote for now, I really like this RPC though. I will give it a +1 when typos and some of the sentences are neatened and fixed.
This behaviour is going to get you anything. I am obligated to not give you-
[RPC-682-3 jumps into the window and clutches itself onto it, RPC-XXXX-3 is seen biting and scratching the window inefficiently.]
RPC XXXX needs to be changed to 682
And i don't that thing thrashing around the chamber.
Cap the i.
Security guard Raulch ████ does not response.
Does not respond.
Investigaton showed RPC-682-3's
Sentence is a bit wonky since within the scope of the interview it’s present tense. But this implies a past-tense beyond the scope of the interview done directly after the failed interview.
A lot of disjointed spelling errors and grammar that might need to be looked at with a final edit or two.
I guess it was something there that clamed me, something beautiful.
3 days after this interview, D-5639 had started to interact with personnel in a RPC-XXXX-3 manner. Autopsy on D-5639 showed that a mutated part in his right pariental lobe growing notably fast. Giving an explanation of the sudden change in D-5639's attitude.
I would look at this paragraph again. It's weirdly written because certain lines assume the parietal lobe was notably… growing… not notably showing an increase in growth prior to expiration? Something weird about the way the sentence was crafted.
A lot more errors overall. Still, think it’s a good concept what with the idea of cockroaches infesting a daily product used by women and men can get under your skin.
It’s a no-vote for now until these spelling and grammar issues are resolved.
The part that's wonky with the tenses is ok though. I am trying to imply the investigation happened after the interview. If you think putting it there fells weird, i can make it a footnote. The paragraph and typos you mentioned are now fixed.
Tell me if you think the paragraph is fixed enough.
Nests of RPC-682 must be sanitized and/or incinerated alongside with single RPC-682-1 instances
Remove the with
former nests must be buried in dirt and affacted buildings are to be surveyed for a minimum of 10-11 days including it's beauty products (including hygienic products as of 2/12/20██.See Addendum XXXX-B).
Affacted should be spelled Affected.
Put a space at the end of 2/12/20██.
minimum of 10-11 days including it's beauty products - including all of its beauty products
Some things I noticed at the start of the article, you should fix up.
Misspelled affected. My bad, I should have made that more clearer. Fixed now
Good job and the collapsible interview logs make it better.
Hormones to absolutely nothing when outside the body. The word you are looking for here is Pheromones.
I like this. I fixed up some grammar and tonal errors, but other than that it's solid. +5
Still has a lot of grammatical and wording errors. Giving this a 1 because the concept doesn't seem to be consistent and the quality is pretty average.
This is just so messed up in how meticulously it operates and how unabashedly weird and inexplicable it seems.
Such is life in the Soviet Union