Rename it Coldpost the Hedgeheg and it will be 11/10
Me Reading This: Okay, so it's that annoying Sonic OC…nothing overly funny…
Addendum: Under no circumstances is anyone with the name “Chad” or "Thunder████" to come within a 100km radius of Coldpost the Hedgehog, if this occurs he will run at them, screaming, and repeatedly headbutt the victim until he is dead. This is considered normal.
This last line just made this. Good stuff.
lol'ed hard af at this "Coldpost the Hedgeheg is an 8 foot tall anthropomorphic hedgehog, capable of human speech and sexual intercourse. With women. He’s not gay." but I thought RCP is supposed to be going back to horror roots and taking away all political bs?
This is just shitting on sjw tumblrinas (though they deserve it) and the weed gamer libritards. I thought people were making this site to get to good horror fiction. not cashing in on drama. its just in the intervews at least so you can skip em easily.
And -1 but barely. Cool stuff!
[forgot you can edit comments. please ignore]
I'm not sure if you're joking or serious, but this is the Joke RPC section. Things ain't nearly as serious here. take away your -1 or face the consequences of Coldpost's wrath
I'm not a mod either? But this RPC had a -J in it, which denotes that it's a joke article, and you said you were looking for horror that old foundation had. If you're looking for serious articles, you should check out the main list.
I'm just wondering why you made the complaints of "but I thought RCP is supposed to be going back to horror roots and taking away all political bs?" when its a joke article. I'm not making fun of SJWs or weed gamer libtards at all, I was just poking fun at what an author self-insert of a 14 year old kid would be, with a lot of the hallmarks of "coldposting", not measuring in metric, formatting incorrectly, etc.
Wasn't actually asking you to take away the -1, I was joking around because it is a joke rpc article. I don't like you rating it as a normal RPC when it's a joke RPC but, whatever.
This is fucking gold, even when this site is a new thing.
I can't help but notice there's still a "Coldsteel" in the interview.
This is way better than the self-insert skips on the SCP wiki nevertheless. I laughed. +1.
I laughed way too hard at this. Take your up vote.
And there we go, Coldpost The Hedgeheg has gotten to 100 + votes (in totality, there might be a few humorless folks who deemed it necessary to downvote this glorious little RPC-J).
Congrats Blairin! I suppose this also makes this the first Joke RPC to reach 100+ as well so hey!