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Registered Phenomena Code: XXX
Object Class: Alpha-White
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Transmutation Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-XXX is to be assigned a single standard human containment chamber. Interviews must be conducted on a weekly basis with both units present. RPC-XXX may be granted basic requests for as long as it continues behaving friendly and cooperative with Authority staff. Resources should be allocated towards the research of transferring conciousness with the use of RPC-XXX.
Description: RPC-XXX is a young man's conciousness shared by two bodies (units, hereafter.) Physical examination and DNA sampling reveals units are identical in nature. The subject is capable of inhabitting each unit seperately, but is limited in movement and speech to one at a time, the other not in use becoming idle. The unit chosen from which the young man will act and speak from at any given time is currently unpredicatble and the interval of conciousness relocation can range from two (2) seconds to five (5) hours.
The subject can be described as a pale, blonde male in his late twenties. Subject appears willing to assist research staff in the understanding of its anomalous properties. Staff assigned to the subject regard the young man as charismatic, intelligent, pleasing to converse with but cold at times. The subject's origins or the exact method in which it is able to relocate its conciousness is not yet understood at this time.
Registered Phenomena Code: XXX
Object Class: Beta-Yellow
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Grouped Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-XXX is to be assigned a single standard human containment chamber seperate containment cells for each individual unit. Interviews must be conducted on a weekly basis with both units present. RPC-XXX may be granted basic requests for as long as it continues behaving friendly and cooperative with Authority staff RPC-XXX is to be denied all requests if cooperation with research staff is not satisfactory. Units should be restrained and sedated before testing. The area within a 500km radius of the site must be searched for all units not yet contained. A maximum of one-hundred (100) living units should be kept in storage, with excess to be burned and disposed of. The site must undergo monthly staff screenings, especially within the departments of security, junior research, janitorial and CSD Personnel. Staff found empathizing with the object are to be reprimanded and rotated out. Resources should be allocated to the research of transferring conciousness with the use of RPC-XXX and should be continued.
Registered Phenomena Code: XXX
Object Class: Omega-Yellow
Hazard Types: Sapient Hazard, Grouped Hazard
Containment Protocols: RPC-XXX is to be assigned seperate containment cells for each unit. Interviews must be conducted on a weekly basis. RPC-XXX is to be denied all requests if cooperation with research staff is not satisfactory. Units should be retrained and sedated before testing. All units must be located within in a 500km radius of the site. A maximum of one-hundred (100) living units should be kept in storage, with excess to be burned and disposed of. The site must undergo monthly staff screenings, especially within the departments of security, junior research, janitorial and CSD Personnel. Staff found empathizing with the object are to be reprimanded and rotated out. Resources should be allocated to the research of transferring conciousness with the use of RPC-XXX and should be continued. Research is ongoing to contain the damage done by the object. Any existing likeness the anomaly are to be found and removed from public eye. Current findings include units dug up from mass graves of World War 2, Amazonian myths describing the object, and a bust resembling the object originating from the Roman Empire.