Translated articles usually get me excited, but though this wasn't a regrettable read per se, it's lacking in all creative aspects. Its biggest strength is competent presentation, aesthetic, and sentence structure. However, it brings no intrigue, mystery, or progression to the table.
Just because events happen for no reason doesn't inherently make them interesting. Albeit, I admit it's kind of funny how innocuous verbs foreshadow such devastation ("Oh no, it's Come day!"). Glaringly unexplained is whether the anomaly's effects are fixed to Site-006-CN or if they merely influence the surrounding area. If the latter, for Pete's sake, take it out of there already!
By the dates in the article, I infer this is old, which would make sense. It's reminiscent of other early "space-fillers" like RPC-044. I voted 2/5… though I don't think translations can get deleted? At least, I hope not, unless their source is. Sounds like a waste otherwise.
(The lack of hazards is rather odd? At least Tychokinetic, Regenerative, and potentially Animated apply. If this is a particularly old article, it would make sense that hazards were not included at first and never inserted later, as has been the case with others.)