Author's note
This article is a part of the Monarch Security revamp me and TTPY have been working on. As of its publishing date (08/1/2024), the MI13 hub overhaul is under construction. This page aims at setting up the foundation for the AoI's tone and magical practices.
Catalogue Resources:
Here are some resources for practicing the thaumaturgic arts IRL (for the goofs). Practice them if you want, don't blame me if you accidentally made a deal with the devil.
- Enochian Magic: John Dee's Five Books of Mystery
- Solomonic Magic: The Lesser Key of Solomon
- Elemental Divination: (only referenced in the Encyclopédie)
- Western Astrology: Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos : or, Quadripartite
- Classical Necromancy (Séance): Forbidden Rites A Necromancer's Manual Of The Fifteenth Century
- Performance Magic: Modern Magic by Professor Hoffmann
- Tulpamancy: Thought-forms, The Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Fulu: (Only the Daoshi is allowed to practice this but here's a decent resource to learn more about it.)
- Mesmeric Clairvoyance: An essay of instruction, on animal magnetism;
Crit thanks:
Bro dude
They are rage, brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse.