This is a fine article. I don't think its really that interesting, the robots just seem to be your standard xenophobic anomalies and the inclusion of Project Blue Book feels tacked on. I'll admit PBB's presence is not without reason since the article does regard an anomaly that is in space but not too far away from earth. If this was a standalone article, I'd probably give this a 3.
However, as a rewrite of RPC-058, I feel that it not only fails to expand on the original article in a meaningful way, but also that it fails to capture the draw of that original article. Making the robots a solo faction completely misses what made them interesting in the first place. The robots themselves weren't the scary danger, they were just servants of this unnamed danger that is mentioned in the article.
The robots in the rewrite feel far simpler too. Yes, there is still the aspect of RPC tricking the robots into sparing earth, but the methods of doing so aren't mentioned and instead we get some vague threat they give which is hardly different from some GOI or any anomalous group. And the added inclusion and threat of Project Blue Book? Barely mentionable. if you write off their only reason for being in this story in one sentence, then why even have them in the story.
I'll give you this. Is this article better written than the original 058? Absolutely. Is the main anomaly of this article better explained in this article? Yes. However, the main element of intrigue is what's missing. Imagine somebody made a far more polished script of jurassic park, but had it set in a normal zoo. Is the story better presented? Yes! But the actual content is far less interesting. And for that, I believe this fails as a rewrite.