COOK: You barely sleep as-is.
ALDO: Oh, hush you. [Aldo looked directly into the camera, putting on a forced smile]
This would be so funny if you cut that “Oh, hush you.” there and just started with him looking at the camera with a pained smile. Nobody says “oh hush you” in real life anyways.
is to keep the thing operational 24/7, no wait, 24.4/7.
This would be funnier if you just went “keep thing operational 24.4/7.” By adding that “no wait” it short of weakens the dialogue, makes it sound a little cheesy.
when a lot of clay meets a lot of pressure, like on a planet.
“Like on a planet” implies that Mars is not a planet, right?
Shuush, I'm getting to that. Where was I? Oh yeah.
You're drawing out the joke. The quips wouldn’t bother me so much if they didn’t drag on a little. Go “I’m getting to that” or whatever and then move on. Three sentences dedicated to something that isn’t funny can start to annoy the reader.
When mixed with arsenide, which is a sort of mix of arsenic and other stuff we dig up, you get a suitable semiconductor. Which you can defiantly make many things out of.
…you get a suitable semiconductor, that seems to make up half the stuff around here/seems to be needed by more people than we can handle/etc etc.
“Definitely” is misspelled here. I changed the sentence because you use “which” way too many times here and I think “which you can make many things of” kinda cold cuts the reader if you’re not going to give examples of the things in question.
fellow slave master
apologies, master
Are they fellow masters or is he the ‘slave’?