Wow, this was both over delayed and over budget. At least it was kinda worth it, in the end… maybe. I wanna first to thank my current partner in crime, the fabulous Mr.Maker, for making all of this possible by allowing me to rework lore. I learned a lot and am really happy with the project thus so far. Really great stuff.
A Special Thank You To:
- Canon, Lore, & Curation Directed By: Mr Makor, H F Dummie, KaiserXI
- GRPC and Cosmic Embers Logo By: Worm that Walks, Mr Makor
- Theme and CSS: televisionist
I also wanna thank the critters for the hub: DrNog, Blairin, Sovereign, and Butters on Discord.
(Here's the crit forum.) You guys really pushed me out of my comfort zone to make it the best it could be.
Third off, I wanna thank the Original Launch Authors as it wouldn't have been possible without you: Tarbolin, MrMakor, HF Dummie, KaiserXI, CaptainNox, Dattop, BigMark, Butters, and the Son of Mann, UnknownChan, and Antdemon for his up-and-coming creme de la creme of a tale series. You guys are the true MVPs.
Lastly, while the hub is uploaded and we're well on the way to becoming an official canon, don't worry, as we still have the auxiliary pages to upload that'll contain more lore that's bigger, better, and badder than ever. But for now, I see you on the flip side, space cowboy.