This crit will aim at correcting the translation to as close to the tone of the original draft as possible.
Destabilization Hazad
Destabilization Hazard,
each comprised of a five man, is kept around RPC-XXX all day long.
a five men
are kept
Patrol teams will kept
The patrol teams are to keep
from entering 500m radius of the subject
entering within a 500m radius
allowing by force if necessary
and are allowed to use force if necessary.
ACI continuously monitors the potential Nihil group activity and does preparation for the possible attack.
ACI will continuously monitor the surroundings for potential Nihil group activities, and to prepare for possible attacks by these groups.
larger than 200m3,
no smaller than 200m3,
which will be pre-placed nearby the containment location,
will be placed in advance near the…
should process two routine examination and maintenance twice a season.
these containers should undergo routine examinations and…
When the space of the container ran out,
When a container is fully filled,
The CSD personal infected by RPC-XXX-1 should be amnestic and sent to Site-006 for further re-judgement and training.
CSD personnel
Should be amnesticizied
Other infected personal will be reassigned to Reaserch Division Unit-119.
RDU119 won't accepted the join in of infected personal further more.
RDU119 will not longer accept further infected personnel
ASIACOM is discussing the appropriate place for infected personal.
ASIACOM is in discussion for an alternative place for the relocation of infected personnel
cover an area of 10m when observed outside,
occupying an area of 102m externally,
RPC-XXX'surface is burned black colour,
RPC-XXX’s surface is charred black
There is a door structure in front, heigh 1.8m, unable to observe the inner-environment through the door.
RPC-XXX possesses a door in its front, 1.8m in height, the interior of the structure is not observable through this door.
Personals will lost connection immediately after passing the door.
Contact with personnel will be lost immediately upon passing through the door.
CSDs reported that it is sill unable to see the structure when stay inside. There is a rough-surface columnar objects about 40m away from the door. It has a larger space inside than observing outside.
Though CSDs reported that they remain unable to see the interior while inside the structure. By relying on their touch, they are able to detect rough-surface columnar objects situated approximately 40m away from the door
It has a larger space inside than observing outside.
The space beyond the door is thus determined to be larger than the exterior of RPC-XXX.
At least one "It's Raining Inside" event occurs twice a year.
While I understood why you used “It's Raining Inside”, it does not sound as good as it is in Chinese when directly translated as English to parallel “It's Raining Outside”. I would suggest something like “Interior Raining”
“At least one “Interior Raining” event occurs biannually,”
During the event, the ACS near RPC-XXX will have a disturbance between 2.2~3.8, at the same time the personal stays in the subject will fell apparent wet, a while later (2~3.5 days in general), a large amount of liquid of unknown composition (designated as RPC-XXX-1), which is observed colorless outside the door, will generate and drop from the upper part of RPC-XXX. RPC-XXX-1 will spillover from the aforementioned door structure due to normal liquid piling.
during which the surroundings of RPC-XXX will experience Coherency disturbances of ACS ranging between 3.8 ~ 2.2, personnel who remained with RPC-XXX will feel significant humidity. After a brief period (2~3.5 days in general), large amounts of liquid of unknown composition (designated as RPC-XXX-1), which is observed to be colorless from the outside, will manifest and drop from the upper part of RPC-XXX.
Fogs will appear in where RPC-XXX located during the event, visibility can less then a quarter metre.
Fog will develop around RPC-XXX during the event, reducing visibility to less than a quarter metre.
The fog is currently believed formed by RPC-XXX-1 droplets.
This fog is believed to be composed of RPC-XXX-1 droplets.
Each "It's Raining Inside" event will produce the amount of 20m3 to 980m3 RPC-XXX-1.
Each "Interior Raining" event will produce 20m3 to 980m3 amount of RPC-XXX-1.
Personnel exposed to RPC-XXX without protections will develop the worship of the Children of Nihil entities or related events,
without protection -> unprotected
will result in religious obsession of the Children of Nihil related entities or events,
but in the pre-infective stage, personnel will not be aware of the infection of their own mostly.
personnel typically will not become aware of the infection by themselves.
Worships of Exiled Sun was most common among them (above 93%), with a very small individuals worship Orrery of Ages and Void Unending, amnestics is not effective for infected persons, or the infection itself is not related to memetics.
The worship of Exiled Sun is most common among infected personnel (above 93%), while a very few number of individuals worship the Orrery of Ages and Void Unending. Amnestics is not effective against infected personnel. It is agreed that the infection itself is not memetic in nature.
Refusal of approaching RPC-XXX;
to approach
Greater than the normal number of trances
Increased occurrence of going into trances
In the late stages of infection, conditions act violently. Instances of personnel defecting to join nearby Nihil groups has occurred.
In the late stages of infection, personnel will become violent, with some instances of personnel defecting to join nearby Nihil groups.
In early 2009, the Authority cooperated with the South Sea Enlightenment Movement to conduct a raid on numerous small Nihil-Adjacent organizations in some mountainous areas of southwest China. The operation was successfully executed, capturing a few Nihil personals.
the Authority had cooperated with the South Sea Enlightenment Movement
in mountainous regions of southwest China.
The interrogation of prisoners began in March. The interrogated persons provided the approximate location of RPC-███. MST-Sinchou-01 "Seeking in the Woods" was sent searching, and eventually found it on a hillside nearby ███ town.
March, and the individuals provided the approximate location of RPC-███
(Do you mean RPC-XXX?, or RPC-CN-003?)
MST-Sinchou-01 "Seeking in the Woods" was sent to search the area, and eventually found RPC-XXX on a hillside near by █████████ town.
(You might want to extend the blackbox since a 3 letter chinese word are much more longer when romanized.
the least has about 5 people and the most being just under a hundred
the smallest
and the largest
the Authority united the South Sea Enlightenment Movement, an allied Pilot-worshiped group,
the Authority, together with the South Sea Enlightenment Movement, an allied Pilot-worship group
operating a series of raids on some of the large groups.
launched a series of raids against some of the larger groups.
Most of these Nihil groups locate in areas with hills and jungles, but it is known that two cases existed in Qaidam Basin.
are located in areas with
, with two rare known cases of groups in the Qaidam Basin
the first kind of group members live near villages
the first kind of groups consist of members who lives in nearby villages
while the second kind of group members do not interact with civilians and create necessities through abnormal methods.
while the second kind of groups entirely removes their members from civilian interactions, creating necessities through anomalous methods.
Note that most Nihil groups claim that their interpretation of worldviews comes from the possessed anomalous objects.
most of these Nihil groups
interpretation of worldviews are derived from their possessed anomalous objects.
The widely spared worldviews are as follows:
Some of the most common beliefs are as follows:
At a point,
At some point,
The Kua Fu died in a competition.
Kua Fu was killed in a confrontation
the process of Kua Fu's chasing
the process of “Kua Fu’s Sun-Chasing”
The Nihil beliefs of these groups are mixed with
mixed in
and differ greatly from the general of Nihil groups' modus operandi.
and differ greatly from the typical modus operandi of other Nihil groups
the source Nihil group have no exact name and worshipped deities
his affiliated Nihil group have no exact name or worshipped deities
Before the process of following two interviews, the intermittent ACS disturbance is noticed.
Prior to the following two interviews, Authority personnel were already aware of the connection between the group’s area of activity and the periodic ACS disturbances.
Let's begin. Check the identity first. Zhang Renliang, born in Shanxi, joined a cult before capture.
We’ll go over your identity first.
You can say so. What do you want me to say.
What can be said. What do you want me to tell you?
[B lifted the map]
B lifted a map
There are reports that your range of activity has been in this vicinity.
have been
Wasn't where you captured me?
Weren’t you there around the time when you captured me?
Let me state it directly: we found the ACS there became unstable
So let me make this clear: we found that the ACS here is unstable
I have no right to answer this question,
It is not within my right to answer that question,
Is the source of the flood.
subsequent effection.
and in the strong sunlight
and under the
the flood can be happen again, soon.
can happen
Subject's talk of the Children of Nihil has similarities to the worldview of the "Kua Fu".
Subject’s Nihilic beliefs share similarities to the “Kua Fu” worldview.
His organization, "███ Mountain", is 10 to 70 people in size,
"Budou Mountain Deity", is between 10 to 70
He has a position in the group.
He has some level of standing in the group.
That's, then why do you guys think I could know.
They don’t, then why do you think I could know.
Many ways to get information from you. Now is just the easiest and most humane one.
There are many ways
This is just
if the truth of the worlds is displaying on your eyes,
truth of the world is displayed right in front of your eyes,
the thoughts spread like infinite darkness.
spreading like unending darkness
was suddenly on my eyes, in my mind, encase my soul…
was suddenly in front of my eyes, within my mind, encased in my soul
like been there for hundreds of years
it has been
Too far from the topic
We’re getting off-topic
Explore ACS anomaly area, get anomalous items or mark the potential location.
Explore the ACS anomaly area, contain anomalous items or mark potential locations of interest.
Commander can you here?
Commander is connected.
Command is connected
the hue is seen darker
the surrounding begins to darken
Okay, and me here is still normal… keep moving. Anybody uncomfortably?
and I here
Anybody feeling off?
Normal too, by the way, Com was just asked us to record the ACS while working, said maybe useful.
asking us
said it might be useful
I think it's weird that there's full of water below.
I think it’s weird that it’s all full of water below
All right B then you check it
All right B, you can check it
Commander, commander, we may get the target… Ha, lost signal again.
Command, command, we may have found the target… Huh, lost the signal again.
This way, D, go back the way you came until contact is available.
In that case, D
You're not a kid, won't be afraid of darkness. We need further command of the commander. Now go.
You’re not a kid, can’t be afraid of the dark now. We need further instructions from command. Now go
[D return]
[D departs]
Everyone does not approach it. D, what's the degree now?
Everyone do not approach it. B, what’s the level now?
[Obviously nervous]
Notably nervous
[Three return from the original path]
The three
shouldn't be far from.
ACS now is stabilised
is now
Intuition told me we should go back and check it out.
[Three return to the RPC-XXX location, and D could be seen stumbling.]
The tree
Guy, why were you back?
Dude, why are you back here again?
D trances
D is in a trance
The suspected subject's position was marked
suspected target
has been marked
D was got something wrong.
Something’s wrong with D
Can you here?
Flood was beginning here.
The flood began here
Wake up and stop dream talking.
and stop dreaming
Then who knows it's not a dream here?
Then again who’s to say it wasn’t a dream?
They struggle to open the door, but floods behind the door… So what is right? They won't die, just want the door open, or be always suffer with…
but the flood is behind the door
They won’t die, it’s always existed, yet it…
and further assignments for this him have been suspended.
and further exploration for this team has been suspended.
The 2021 First Quater CSDs recruiters sent to our station stated an insurrection days ago.
our Site
days ago, some of the involved CSDs displayed anomalous abilities
After MST Oscar-19 was involved in and deal with it, the incident has largely subsided without loss of life.
After MST-Oscar-19 went in and dealt with it, the incident has
Your site has a reliability guarantee
The form indicates that the CSD personnel in question were from the anomaly.
form an anomalous source
The officer responded has been castigated.
The officer responsible has been reprimanded.
The CSD personnel involved in the incident come from captured members of the Nihil groups.
came from
members of Nihil groups
This personnel were under the anomaly effect of RPC-XXX for a short period of time, and no such anomaly behaviour was detected for a long while after the executing of amnestics.
the anomalous effect
abnormal behaviour
after amnesticization
Recently, Site-066 has reported that the CSD recruits provided by our branch shows anomaly natures and caused insurrection
showed signs of anomalies and caused an insurrection
resulting in some aftermaths.
resulting in some disruptions.
These CSD recruits came from Nihil groups, and were all recently affected by the properties of RPC-XXX.
These CSD recruits all originated from Nihil groups from southwest China, and were all recently affected by the properties of RPC-XXX
Newly inducted members processed these personnels mistakenly
Newly inducted Authority personnel processed these individuals mistakenly
were effects unrelated to mnemonics.
unrelated to memetics
(memotics are not appropriate for the subject matter)
Post investigation shows that these personnels were planned prior to the capture, agree not to display anomaly abilities.
Post investigation shows that these personnel had already planned this insurrection prior to their capture, and purposefully hid their anomaly qualities.
they may be conducted with appropriate co-operation or executed;
they may be inducted as cooperative personnel or executed;
Personals who have been affected by anomalous should not act as CSD recruits personnel, they may be interned as subproduct anomaly entity, be conducted with appropriate co-operation or executed;
affected by anomalies
they may be treated as a by-products of the anomaly and interned, inducted as cooperative personnel or executed;
Each site targeted in jailing should have specialised personnel to record information on captured Children of Nihil members for future using;
Each Site should have specialised personnel to record information on captured Children of Nihil members for future using;
When I was surveying the site
I found that many personnel has misunderstandings of the CoN anomaly we are dealing with.
are misunderstood about the CoN
and that the ten so-called deities of are really existed.
of are really existed
the site with the largest The Department of Occult Concerns in the CN Branch.
the site that houses the largest Department of Occult Concerns subsidiary in the CN Branch
The so-called CoN anomalies have no differs from the thousand or more other anomalies
have no differs are no different from the