Hello, I am Otto Adonai Tzevaot Abraxas de Wykutaja, and I have had my account in dormant for a few weeks now. My excuse as to why I haven't written anything yet is due to my internet just shitting itself right after making the account, so there.
I have a few articles written on paper which I will type in later (KK "fridge", a soda made with cactus sap, and the sky is closing in on us). In the meantime, I will try figuring out how the wikidot thing works, and do some research so I am not totally unprepared when I make my first post.
Some background info: I learned about RPC through Metokur when I was like, 12 or 13. Since then I have been a bit of a lurker and I have tried joining the discord a few times while underaged (kekkaeso and kekk). The reason why I would rather join RPC than SCP is due to how big SCP currently is, like any other person I would like for my posts to have a chance rather than getting overshadowed by some older posts.
I am a bit excited for this as this is my first time doing- well… anything involving writing in an actual project. Thanks for taking your time reading this, suckers.
Introduction for that shitname that talks in the discord sometimes.