where's the conprocs dude (this is a rhetorical question, I can see they're at the end of the article. also: why?)
GRP-026-1 is considered a separate entity from standard instances with widely divergent behavior patterns and containment procedures.
I don't know anything about GRP-026, so this information is meaningless.
99% of their nutrients appear to be collected from Photosynthesis.
where do they get the other 1% from
GRP-026 has no 'true' form, preferring to copy the physical appearance of whatever apex predator they can harvest.
save previously mentioned proboscis, I assume?
GRP-026-1 is an imitation of a deceased Galactic Ranger named Randal C. Sinclair, known commonly to his peers as "Cosmic Randy." Instances of GRP-026-1 are the attempts of GRP-026 to mimic the likeness of Randal Sinclair.
describe 026-1 as either a singular imitation or a group of 026, doing both is confusing.
However, there is no memetic deviation between the original Randal Sinclair and GRP-026-1 instances.
psychological. there is no psychological deviation.
It is no exaggeration
keep it professional.
GRP-026-2 is a legion of identical Hopkinsville Aliens1. The original, nicknamed ‘Chuck’ by Randall Sinclair, was a Xeno pilot kidnapped from a Hopkinsville Alien hydroponics lab during an impromptu raid for provisions. ‘Chuck’ died along with Randall Sinclair during their crash landing on Poul c.
this should get as much detail as 026-1, barring redundant information
He was reported missing while exploring the Poul System at Standard Galactic Time (STG) 394,200.
who is he
GRPC Ranger Randal Sinclair's Last Message
I'm not quite sure why this was included. it doesn't seem to tell me anything. and why is it sandwiched between the mention of interviews and the actual interviews?
first interview is similarly lacking in content. we already know 026-1s believe they are Randy.
StationSec Mr. Pierre:
where'd this dude come from?