Incredibly difficult article to make, probably my toughest one since RPC-379. A lot of comments and criticisms went unfortunately unaddressed due to my incapacity to figure out how to implement them, but ultimately I think it's as good as I can make it.
FINALLY claimed my prize for pulverizing my fingers vomiting articles on the site destroying the average article quality of my team winning Budget Cuts. Jannies and labfags BTFO yet again.
Many, many thanks to:
BetterMyButter does not match any existing user name
MonkeysInSpace (Discord)
Vizlox (who didn't fucking finish critting it fuck you)
Manne (Discord)
TomatointheMirror (Discord)
pixelatedHarmony does not match any existing user name (Discord)
I had a lot of help from TheGreatTarbolin69 in figuring out the mathematical autism (that end graph was inspired by a video he showed me), giving me a lot of ideas that I really couldn't use.
The formula in Footnote 10 was first written by Generic3, and later modified by Minutemen does not match any existing user name who also critted the article. I am deeply thankful to both of them for compensating for my complete lack of knowledge of the subject.
The statistical graph was made by Agente Shuffle, while the end graph was made by
televisionist. I am deeply thankful to both of them for compensating for my complete lack of knowledge of image editing & creation.
Other image sources:
Strong inspirations from Von Pincier's RPC-244 (crosslinked twice lol), which also introduces ANDSoft.
Two video resources that greatly helped me with understanding the maths (which are normally completely out of my reach) and gave me some insanely psychotic inspiration.
A New Way to Look at Fibonacci Numbers -- Jacob Yatsko
Fibonacci Numbers As A Basis of the Zodiac -- David Cochrane's Astrology