Great article for the most part. But you should have included Site-009 in the map.
Amazing images, evocative descriptions, and a neat backstory! I adore the idea that Soviet nuclear testing somehow birthed a false angel, but I wish more was done with it. The addenda seem awfully short for an idea of this magnitude. I was also bothered by the frequent run-on sentences that broke the flow of the piece, bringing my final rating down to a 3/5.
This is the origin story that [REDACTED] never got, and is now my personal head cannon for that article. I love the idea that [REDACTED] might have originated from humanity’s breaching of nuclear weapons, and it fits so well with a picture of the event horizon of Armageddon. Absolutely love that.
If anything negative to say, it’s that it is highly reminiscent of [REDACTED]… I was thinking of it the whole read, clearly.
I agree! My "Living Nuke" draft and the Thunderbird might also be instances of RPC-733!
This article is short, sweet and has some potent ideas and imagery, but it has a grammar issue I've never seen before; it uses the word "had" too much and the past tense conjugation is just weird. Seriously, just ctrl-f "had" in the documents and you'll see what I mean.
Haunting and somehow beautiful. The letter pushed this to a 5, perfectly incapsulates the guilt that comes from deploying hell on earth. I like to imagine the angel's identity was derived from a Russian soul that died near the sea.
Would love to see containment or even extermination logs to this.