for some time I had this idea about a living mummy that depends on fire and can control it, that originally "she" was a corpse without identifiable gender that had been found in a burned museum and this mummy generated fire in a minimum range of 3 meters to ( I do not know ….) 10 at most around the body but any fire that enters within 3 meters of the body would be extinguished quickly.
during an incident her place of containment was damaged in some way causing her fire to spread rapidly throughout the place causing a piece of roof to fall on her causing the fire to touch the body, being so much fire and falling so fast that She could not extinguish it fast enough to avoid touching it, everything caused her to wake up where she took control of all the fire in the place, noticing that it did damage to things, it began to absorb it but the only thing that it caused was more damage because when releasing everything it caused a Exploration that damaged more things than the fire itself.
After all this, she decides to surrender herself and try to help the authority in what she can (as an apology for what she did), after a while they give her fire-proof clothes so that she is not naked, also a suit so that she could walk around the facilities and as well as part-time job on the kitchen of the place where she is, also when a fire is too much to be controlled, the authority calls it and uses it to absorb the fire where they take it to a field where they let it explode.
She had another idea where instead of exploding, she got "hot" and began to lose her head trying to create even more fire to absorb and continue to increase her strength but this I feel like she would be somewhat "op".
psdt: sorry if there are some typos, my english is not perfect.