Under Russian rule, their nomadic lifestyle was discouraged and dismantled, and gave way to sedentarism.
comma after dismantled is unnecessary
supporting their weak economy and lack of substantial water bound trade routes.
add hyphen to water-bound
which they had acquired by trade through the millions of travelers on the Silk Road over two thousands years.
thousands should not be plural
or 11% of Turkmenistans total population at the time.
missing apostrophe on turkmenistan's
Significant strides of advancement in anomalous infrastructure did not come until 1991 with the dissolvement of the Soviet Union.
i dont know if dissolvement is even a word, but id just replace it with dissolution
Turkmenistan was one of the most wealthy countries per capita, and was rising fast.
comma not needed
Turkmenistan is not much unlike current day Dubai & Qatar,
missing hyphen between current-day
It is through their utilization of anomalous artifacts that allows them to be so prosperous, and spread this wealth to their people.
comma not needed
as they are a UN recognized neutral state,
missing hyphen between UN-recognized
Their weapons program does not focus on combustion based firearms and weaponry but electromagnetic and railgun weaponry,
missing hyphen between comubstion-based
it is our solemn duty to that of the church and to our pope.
the 'to' isnt necessary to have
It was not until the Soviet's grip began to slip that the Authority received a contract from the material starved soviet Turkmenistan,
soviet should be capitalized
A number of tactics were employed that were facilitated by the rise of the Internet,
'a number of' can be changed to 'several'
A narrative of despotic, single minded dictators that exist in the east was perpetuated in television media and on the internet.
hyphen needed for single-minded
which they have an agreement to share with ACI counter intelligence.
counterintelligence is one word
upon which they may expose the travelling citizen to a number of amnestics & memetics in order to make them forget their trip to Turkmenistan,
'a number of' can be changed to 'several'
There are very little institutions that report positively about Turkmenistan,
very few instead of very little
We have to have top of the line equipment, motivated agents, and exceptional response time in order to maintain this facade we've created,
hyphen needed for top-of-the-line
bum ass buster ass nigga trusting ESLs to give them proper grammatical crit, what were you thinking bro!!