article a day day 3: RPC-789, by Fraud/Vecter Specter
I've actually given my thoughts on this before- almost a year ago! I might as well give it another read-through. Looking at the history, I also edited it too, so hopefully I didn't miss any grammar issues…
I actually do like the image. I think it's pretty creepy, and the camera overlay isn't too distracting.
The description is also pretty good- the first two paragraphs are fairly banal, which makes the third "wham" a little more, because it's nestled right after mundane things in the same style. Very good use of clinical tone!
With the addenda, I just noticed something- an Authority probe is sent into the attraction, and it's there they receive the FIRST radio signal, WHILE exploring, which raises the question of why the Authority was sending a submarine BEFORE they knew it was anomalous? I don't know if that was an oversight, though. If it's meant to hint that something was up BEFORE the radio signals, then I hate to say it, but it might need to be a bit more obvious, lol.
I think it needs more activity BEFORE they remove the bag to demonstrate this is an anomaly and give the authority reason to dispatch a submarine. Like, the radio signals aren't necessarily anomalous by themselves- nothing from what we read suggests that its the remains themselves sending these, or would suggest that to the authority.
Obviously that goes out the window when the bag is removed and the big eye shows up- which I think is well done. Again, expert use of clinical tone. Very straightforward description of weird stuff.
I've already left a rating of 3 stars on this from a year ago- and I might just leave it there for now. It's good :)