Huge thanks to Fortunae,
moist bread,
Von Pincier and everyone else in Discord that read this.
Huge thanks to Agente Shuffle and
Dc_Yerko, who read and supported earlier versions of this draft when it was a spanish SCP, and
Shadow-MASK who unfortunately gave me a metric fuckton of crit for an early RCPA version.
Especially huge thanks to TheGreatTarbolin69 for his constant crit and support that allowed me to finish this article.
The title "Spiral Hell" is taken from the final area of La-Mulana 2 — sequel to my favorite game of all time. I listened to its soundtrack for 5 continuous hours while working on this. Strongly suggest you listen to it.
This is a rather old idea — I've been carrying it since before I knew what RPC was. It's had about 16 iterations in short tales, SCPs, spanish SCPs, two RCPA articles, and this thing. I'm really proud of this, and it finally fixed the writing depression that rewriting RPC-866 cursed me with. Hope it fares well for this contest!