This event was made possible by a multitude of people. Thank you to all of those who worked knowingly (and unaware) to rework each of the divisions. You're all stars. A special thanks to Vizlox, who has been working over text and code for the last months to make this happen. Another special thanks to Ascriber, who has kept the containment spirit alive.
Division rework contributors: Almarduk, Ascriber, Blairin, Fortunae, televisionist, TheGreatTarbolin69, Vizlox
Event planning: Ascriber, Blairin, bXluYW1lamVmZg (Gauge Boson), Croal, Fortunae, JerryJohn, Vizlox, Von Pincier
Hub writing contributors: C0debreak, Vizlox
Coding: Drjemin, Vizlox
GD-NORTH seal by 8ismo
Division trophies by Vizlox
Research poster by Fortunae
Protectorate poster drawn by karbontwo (Doge Zero), colored and shaded by Vizlox
Containment poster by Vizlox
Video by Blairin and Voices by C0debreak and NarrationMagic